Notes compiled by Maureen Spinks during the research for the history of Badsey School, "Heads and Tales", filed in a ring-binder with the following dividers. A - Sources of information and copies of artwork for the book. B - Extracts from the Log Book 1893-1913 (taken from originals at Worcestershire Record Office). C - Log Book 1913-1930. D - Log Book Infant Department 1895-1921. E - Log Book Infant Department 1921-1937. F - Log Book 1931-1958. G - Log Book 1959-1978. HI - Log Book 1978-1993. JK - Extracts from Vestry Minutes 1833-1865 (taken from original document at Worcestershire Record Office). L - Extracts from Governor Minute Book 1893-1903 (taken from originals at Worcestershire Record Office). M - Governor Minute Book 1903-1908. N - Governor Minute Book 1908-1914, 1914-1924. N - Governor Minute Book 1955-1967. O - Governor Minute Book 1974-1999. PQ - Public Record Office general notes about education. R - Extracts from Public Record Office (renamed National Archives) documents (and photocopies of some pages), Elizabeth Seward's charity. S - Extracts from Public Record Office (renamed National Archives) documents (and photocopies of some pages), parish files 1872-1905. T - Extracts from Public Record Office (renamed National Archives) documents (and photocopies of some pages), 1893-1915. UV - Extracts from Public Record Office (renamed National Archives) documents (and photocopies of some pages), extensions to the school 1921-1934. WX - Extracts from Public Record Office (renamed National Archives) documents (and photocopies of some pages), new special subjects centre 1927-1929. YZ - Extracts from Public Record Office (renamed National Archives) documents (and photocopies of some pages), possible sale of old school 1928-1932; amalgamation of Mixed and Infant Departments, 1937-1938.
Research Notes for Badsey School history, Heads and Tales - Volume 2
Year created
Publication Date/Date Made
Physical Characteristics (Dimensions)
29 cm x 35 cm
Physical Characteristics (Description)
Black foolscap lever arch file containing A4 sheets and documents in plastic wallets, with file dividers.
Donor or Creator of Records
The Badsey Society
Badsey Society records
Nature of Acquisition
Collected for the Archive
Accession Date
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