Badsey and Aldington
- APPELBEE, Edward (1784-1851) – A 19th-century Badsey landowner
- BARNARD, Michael John (1928-2020) – A Life in Pictures
- BARNARD, William (1803-1892) - Tailor, Parish Clerk and Postman
- BELL, Annie (1866-1946) & William Marsh – From Aldington to Ohio
- BELL, William (1837-1894) – Farm bailiff at Aldington Manor Farm
- BENT, Buckley (1864-1933) - Early Colour Photographer
- BLOXHAM, Mary Hope (1797-1836) – from a Jamaican plantation to Badsey Vicarage
- BLYTH, Thomas Walter (1844-1902) – Tenant farmer at Aldington Manor
- BRADLEY, Sarah (1838-?) – First Schoolmistress of Badsey School
- CAVE, Harold John (1888-1943) – A leading light at Badsey Rangers Football Club
- CHURCHILL, George Henry (1880-1964) – Postcards from a family album
- CORE, Linda – resident of Old Post Office Lane, Badsey, for almost 60 years
- COTTERILL, Thomas (c1837-1901) – Hop drier at Aldington Manor Farm
- COURTEN, Peter (1598-1624) – 1st and last Baron of Aldington
- DALLIMORE, Will (1949-2024) – “A Will to make us Smile”, a poem by Brian Smith
- DAY, George (1764-1830) – The largest landowner in Aldington at the time of Enclosure
- ENSTONE, Jabez Samuel (1846-1927) – Head carter at Aldington Manor Farm
- FOLEY, Thomas (1617-1677) and descendants – Owners of Aldington Manor
- FORREST, William (1626-1700) – A 17th-century yeoman of Badsey
- GEE, Wingfield (1788-1850) and Sons – Silk Throwsters of Badsey
- HAINES, Frank (1902-1965) - Village Policeman
- HALL, James (1845-1923) - A Badsey Grower
- HALL, Walter (1893-1945) – his connection with “Walter’s at the Wheatsheaf”
- HARWOOD, George (c1836-1915) – Hop foreman at Aldington Manor
- HIGGINS, William (c1761-1846) and Elizabeth (c1767-1850) – settlement certificate of 1789
- HORNE, Francis (?-1653) – A 17th-century resident of Badsey
- HORNE, Lionel Edward (1880-1955) – from passive resistance to pillar of the community
- JELFS Family – Photos from the Family Album
- JERRAM, Barbara (1931-2024) – farmer’s wife/army wife/African adventuress
- JONES, Bertram Alfred (1885-1969) – master ivory carver of Vine Cottage, Badsey
- JONES, John (1759-1850) – Of The Laurels, High Street, Badsey, a major landowner
- KNIGHT Family – a top ten surname in 18th-20th century Badsey
- KNIGHT, Ada Winifred (1898-1973) and Daisy May (1899-1971) – inmates of an orphanage in Bristol
- KNIGHT, William Henry (1850-1940) – War-time experiences of a Badsey family
- LANGLEY, Thomas Bolland (1817-1868) – His double life: Reverend Gentleman or Silk Throwster?
- LASHFORD, Gordon John (1930-2020) – the voice of Badsey Flower Show
- PARKER, William (1827-1883) and descendants – Owners of Badsey Silk Mill Cottages
- PERKINS Family – a top ten surname in 20th century Badsey
- PETHARD, James (c1834-1900) – Head carter and farm bailiff at Aldington Manor and Claybrook
- PETHARD, John Douglas (1913-1937) – Drowned in Austria
- PETHARD, William George (1866-1908) – Fruit grower and commission agent
- ROYLE, Tony (1898-1966) – Cartoonist “Belinda” for The Daily Mirror
- SAVORY, Rudolph Roger (1930-2020) – From Badsey to New Jersey: bellringing across two continents
- SEARS, Arthur (1880-1946) & Beatrice (1879-1969) – Market gardeners of Badsey Fields Lane
- SEWARD Family in Lichfield - Thomas (1708-1790) and Anna (1742-1809)
- SEWARD, John (c1667-1737) - Letters from John and his family, 1735-36
- SEWARD, William (1702-1740) - Methodist Martyr
- SHARP, John (1889-1964) - John Sharp and family of Aldington Mill
- SLADDEN, Patrick Dilnot de la Cour (1907-1988) – From New Zealand to Badsey via the Far East
- SMITH, William (1742-1815) – a minor Badsey landowner at the time of Enclosure
- SPARROW, Patrick (1936-2021) – Treasurer of Badsey Flower Show for over 40 years
- SPRAGG, Thomas (?-1668) – A 17th-century Commissioner in the Court of Chivalry
- STEWART, Charles Henry (1837-1914) – old soldier turned market gardener
- THOMPSON, Edwin (c1823-1889) – An Evesham grocer who retired to Badsey
- THORP, John (1773-1834) and descendants – Owners of Badsey Silk Mill
- TUCKER, Anna (1923-2020) – from Germany to Badsey
- TYSZKOW, Margaret (1953-2021) – an appreciation of her life
- WRIGHT, Fanny (1823-1899) and Adolphus Careless (1851-1914) – From Badsey to the USA
- WYLES, Albert (1886-1963) – Inventor of one of the first Motor Ploughs
Badsey, Aldington and Wickhamford
- BENNETT, John (1808-1831) & Thomas (1811-1860); ALLARD, William (1811-1885) – Hanged and transported
- HAINES, John Thomas William (1920-1987) - Jack Haines, England football player
- HAINES, Norris (1889-1973) - Chauffeur and Gardener at Wickhamford Manor
- HALL Family – a top ten surname in 19th-20th century Badsey and 19th century Wickhamford
- HARDIMAN, George Higgins (1882-1952) - Events in his life
- HILL, Mary (née Sandys, 1764-1836), Marchioness of Downshire and Baroness Sandys – one of the foremost landowners in the country
- HUXLEY, Mary (1852-1913) - Mary Huxley and her family, a domestic drama
- IDIENS, John (1852-1939) - John Idiens and family of Bowers Hill and Wickhamford Manor
- LORD, John Pickup (1821-1877) – major landowner in Badsey, Aldington and Wickhamford
- MOULBERY (late 19th-20th century) - The Moulbery sisters and their family
- PETHARD - a top ten name in 19th-20th century Badsey, Aldington and Wickhamford
- PLANT, Richard Arthur Albert (1927-2021) – The passing of an Aldington celebrity
- ROBERTS, Edward John (1902-1982) - Ted Roberts and his Transport Business
- AKERS, Thomas (late 17th/early 18th century) – A Wickhamford Mystery Man
- ASTLEY, William Constantine (1919-2004) - A Wickhamford doctor
- BANHAM, George Frederick (1888-1978) of Wickhamford Manor
- BAYLISS, Ebenezer – Telephone Badsey 65, a transient resident of Wickhamford
- BOOKER family – Wickhamford Estate Tenant’s Daughters who both Married Vicars, c1600
- BOWKER, Alice (?-1697) – A Wickhamford Quaker
- BRAASCH, Helga (1917-2003) – of Germany, Peru … and Wickhamford
- BROOKE, Ann (1750-1750) – a significant headstone in Wickhamford churchyard
- BUCKLEY, Vivian Charles (1901-1993) – Author, Photographer and Lecturer
- BULLOCK, Frederick William (1859-1927) – Mysterious life of the builder of Oxley House, Longdon Hill
- BYRD, Samuel James (1889-1972) - A Byrd in India
- CARR, Edith (1872-1933) – convicted of assault in 1913
- CARTER, Benjamin (1842-1926) - Benjamin Carter of ‘The Farm’
- CARTER, Ella Margaret (1884-1965) – Northumberland-based owner of Pitchers Hill Farm
- CARTER, Maurice (1935) - National Service
- CARTER, Sydney Benjamin (1896-1953) - Syd Carter, a local character
- CHAMBERLAIN family (20th century) – a triple Baptism in Wickhamford in 1918
- COLLETT – Photographic record of a 20th-century Wickhamford family
- COLLETT, Ruby (1900-1990) – Assistant Inspector of Horticulture, Ministry of Agriculture
- COX, William & Alice Jane (20th century) - Cox family of Pitchers Hill
- DEWEY, Percival Saxby (1898-1983) of Wickhamford – Analytical Chemist and Author
- DEWSBERY, Thomas Asbery (1832-1886) – Briefly of Wickhamford Manor
- DOVER, Robert (c1575/82–1652) - Steward of the Wickhamford Court Baron (1632-1650)
- DRYSDALE, Bertha (1861-1943) - Mrs Drysdale and Family
- EDKINS, George (1823-1908) – Wickhamford’s first Market Gardener
- EMPEY, Emily (1863-1947) and Mary (c1858-1938) – from Ireland to Wickhamford
- FIELD, John George Darby Hughes (1868-1939) – His family full of Forenames
- FINCH, Reuben (c1863-1926) of Whitfurrows, Wickhamford – a mischievous life
- FREEMAN (née PICKERING), Dessiechmun George (1884-1956) – of Wickhamford and Massachusetts
- GASCOIGNE, Bamber (1935-2022) – one-time resident of Wickhamford
- GIBBS, John (1805-1881) – Wickhamford-born Gas Engineer
- GREEN, Joseph (1895-?) – Horticultural Instructor
- HALFORD, Alfred (1874-1944) – Victorian Soldier and Wickhamford Fruit Grower
- HALFORD, Samuel (1846-1914) – and his large family at the 1911 census in Wickhamford
- HALL, Hannah (1780-1863) – her tragic death at Wickhamford in 1863
- HANCOCK, Peggy (1927-2024) - a lifelong love of Wickhamford
- HARTWELL, Emily (1852-1935) - Wickhamford Sexton
- HEATH, Harry Leslie (1901-1963) - Dr Heath of Longdon Hill
- HILL, Colin (1943-2020) of Hill’s Nursery, Wickhamford
- HILL, Marcus (1798-1863) – MP for Evesham 1837-1852 and later 3rd Baron Sandys
- HOLLAND, Francis (c1760-1812 - Holland family at Wickhamford Manor
- HORSFIELD Family (20th century) - of The Ridge, Knowle Hill
- HUBAND, Elizabeth (1799-1876) - From Wickhamford to Australia
- HUXLEY, Edmund Thomas Ladbrooke (1901-1974) – from Wickhamford to the Indian Army
- JEFFREYS, Jeffrey Graham (1893-1977) - A transient Vicar of Wickhamford
- JOSEPH, Max (1910-1982) and SAMUEL, Harold (1912-1987) – WWII occupants of The Ridge, Knowle Hill
- KING, Alfred Lambourne (1871-1924) – Wickhamford Market Gardener with an interesting family
- LASLETT, William Laslett (1799-1884) – Very nearly the owner of the Wickhamford Estate in 1869
- LEES-MILNE Family - Pictorial record of the Lees-Milne Family and Staff at Wickhamford Manor
- LEES-MILNE, George Crompton (1880-1949) – Of Wickhamford Manor
- LEESON (mid 20th century) - The Leeson Family at Wickhamford Manor
- LOEHNIS (née RYDER), Rosemary Beryl (1909-2006) – Debutante and later a Wickhamford Resident
- LORD – a one-ninth share of Manor Farm gave the Lord brothers entitlement to vote in Wickhamford
- MAIN, Jack (1901-1986) – Wickhamford Sub-post Master
- MILLS, John Gilbert (1894-1982) - Celebrated Organist and resident of The Ridge, Knowle Hill
- MORRIS (née BAYLIS), Louisa Ann Meurig (1899-1991) – Spiritualist trance-medium of Wickhamford
- NEWMAN, Arthur James (1900-1982) of Woodlands, Longdon Hill
- OSLER, George Percy (1883-1968) - George Osler, fruit grower
- PETHARD, Edward John (1867-1946) – Wickhamford Carpenter and Wheelwright
- PETHARD, Nancy Kathleen (1903-1984) – Wickhamford Nurse and Midwife
- PHILLIPPS, John (1832-1878) - John Phillipps and family of Wickhamford Manor
- POPE, Edward William (1848) & John Pearce (1852-1906) - Pope families of Wickhamford Manor
- RICHARDS, Hubert Lindsell (1876-1955) – Builder of Wickhamford’s first Glasshouse Nursery
- RICHARDS, William (late 18th century) - Master Weaver in Wickhamford
- ROBBINS (late 19th/20th century) - Robbins family and Robin Cottage
- RYDER, Dorothy Beryl Collins (1887-1970) - The Honourable Mrs Ryder of Robin Cottage
- SANDYS (17th century) – The Sandys Family and the Virginia Company
- SANDYS (17th-19th century) - The Sandys family at Wickhamford
- SANDYS (17th-19th century) of Wickhamford - Burials in Ombersley
- SANDYS (née BARKER), Mary (?-1681) - Wife of Sir Samuel Sandys of Wickhamford Manor
- SANDYS, Baroness (1764-1836) – an owner of Wickhamford Manor who might have become Queen of England
- SAWYER, Albert (1784-1830) of Wickham House, Wickhamford
- SHIPTON, Joseph (1800-1860) & Anna (1815-1901) - owners of "The Field", Wickhamford
- SMITH, Frederick Sutherland (1837-1915) - Of Wickhamford Manor
- SMITH, William (1877-1921) of Pitchers Hill Farm, Wickhamford
- SPOONER (16th century) - The Spooner family of Wickhamford Manor
- SUMMERS, Ronald (1926-1930) - Dies in tragic accident
- SUTTON, George Joseph (1882-1964) – and family of Wickhamford
- SWIFT, Benjamin Ryle (1866-1947) - Of Longdon Hill
- TAYLOR (19th-20th century) - Taylor Family, a farming life in Wickhamford
- TAYLOR, Robert (1849-1928) and family – of Elm Farm and Rosebank, a photographic archive
- TAYLOR, Samuel (1798-1856) and NIND, John (c1829-1873) of Wickhamford Manor
- TERRY, Hugh Philip – of Wickhamford Manor
- THORNE, Edwin (1837-1914) - Quaker and Confectioner
- TIMBRILL, Thomas (1652-1737) – Early 18th century tenant of Wickhamford Manor
- VOELCKER, Dennis Cooke (1902-1984) - of the Indian Army and Field Farm, Wickhamford
- WALTERS, Elias Charles (1849-1932) - Walters family, market gardeners
- WASHINGTON, Penelope (c1643-1697) – the link to George Washington
- WHITE, William (c1637-1699) - The White family and 17th Century Wickhamford
- WHORWOOD, Field (c1592-1658) – Wickhamford Manor tenant
- WICKWANE William de - Archbishop of York 1279-1285
- WILSON, John (1723-1753) and his wife Anne – wealthy Wilsons of 18th Century Wickhamford
- WINFIELD, Ethel Mildred (1898-1962) – Wickhamford Bride from South Africa
- WOODALL, Alfred (1875-1966) - Fruit Grower of Carrig, Longdon Hill
- WYKEWANE, William de - Wickhamford Man in Centre of Ecclesiastical Dispute in 1282 AD
- WYKEWONE, John - A 15th century Abbot of Evesham from Wickhamford
- ZAPULA, Hermann (1912-2004) – Austrian Refugee in Wickhamford