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The Local Historian, Journal of the British Association for Local History, Volume 49 No 3, July 2019

British Association for Local History
Year created
Publication Date/Date Made
July 2019
Physical Characteristics (Dimensions)
17.5 cm x 24.5 cm
Physical Characteristics (Description)
88-page journal, bound at centre, with thin cardboard cover; colour photos on front and back cover
Supporting Information

Quarterly journal of the British Association for Local History. Includes articles on:  Windsor’s late medieval fraternity of the Holy Trinity; House-naming in 19th-century Cheltenham; Sir Herbert Brewer and music at Gloucester Cathedral; Territory, core families and migration, a Herefordshire study; Middlesbrough’s steel magnates and the urban sphere 1880-1931; Ewell, Surry, an enlightened village in the 18th century; The Club and the Foundry, local history in the present; Reviews of books about the West Midlands.

Donor or Creator of Records
The Badsey Society
Quarterly journal received as part of subscription to British Association for Local History
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