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27th September 1919 – Sale of part of the Wickhamford estate, 66½ acres

In 1869, Lancastrian landowner, Captain John Pickup Lord bought 1200 acres of land at Wickhamford from the Sandys family, who had owned the estate for several centuries. Following the death of Captain Lord in 1877, the estate was looked after by trustees and, over the years, smaller parcels of land began to be sold.


George Lees-Milne, who had bought Wickhamford Manor in 1906 from Lord’s trustees, began acquiring more parcels of land from the Wickhamford Estate. Whilst the original documents are not available, copies of the conveyance details are included in the deeds of Whytebury Cottage, Manor Road, as this was one of the properties owned by George Lees-Milne. We are grateful to John Newbury for the loan of these documents.


Summary of the conveyance

Conveyance between Charles Edward Leigh, Esq, of 72 Holly Walk, Leamington, Warwickshire, and Frederick Charles Bramwell of No 5 Bury Street, London, Esq (1), Arthur Edward Lord of Worcester, Solicitor (2) and George Crompton Lees-Milne of Wickhamford Manor (3).


Lees-Milne%201919.jpgArthur Lord agreed to sell to G C Lees-Milne for £5,000: “All the lands, messuages and hereditaments with their appurtenances situate in the parish of Wickhamford in the county of Worcester containing in the whole 66 acres 2 roods 35 perches or thereabouts and more particularly described in the schedule thereto and for better identification thereof delineated on the plan drawn on those presents and thereon edged pin, and also half the beds or soil of the adjoining brooks where the same respectively adjoined the said lands and all rights incident to the ownership of such halves of the beds of such brooks and all such other rights in or other the said brooks and the beds, soil and water thereof as the said Charles Edward Leigh and Frederick Charles Bramwell are entitled to as owners of the said lands.” Further acknowledgement by Arthur Edward Lord of the right of G C Lees-Milne to production of a deed poll dated 14th August 1919 under the hand of Frederick Charles Bramwell being by a Power of Attorney by virtue of which Arthur Edward Lord executed absenting presents on behalf of F C Bramwell.


No on Plan





Pt 25 & 24

Town Leasow



19a 3r 6p





0a 3 r 3p

32 & 34




3a 0r 27p

Pt 42 & 40, pt 43

House, Buildings, etc

[this is Elm Farm]



0a 2r 13p


New Barn Orchard



1a 1r 36p


Lower Orchard



7a 2r 18p


Two Cottages & Gardens

[this is 52 & 54 Manor Road]



0a 0r 34p


Cottage & Garden

[this is Robin Cottage]



0a 0r 27p

Pt 48




0a 0r 30p

34 & 30

Shepherds Leasow

G C Lees-Milne


22a 3r 32p

Pt 60

Ox Leasow

G C Lees-Milne


8a 2r 37p

Pt 64

The Nait

G C Lees-Milne

Withy Bed

1a 0r 12p





66a 2r 35p