This series of photograph shows many of the children who lived in Wickhamford in the 1930s and enjoyed their Sunday School outings. The days always seem to have been sunny ! To find a child, check the Index at the end of this article.

Back row - Bet Parker, Eileen Colley, Vi Southern, Joyce Franklin, Connie Taylor and Hilda Brotherton.
Middle row - unknown, Hilda Pitman, unknown, unknown, Alma Jelfs.
Front Row - -------Gosling, unknown, Frances Jelfs, Evelyn Jelfs, Wendy Mayer, Nesta Moisey and Olive Parker

Back row – Percy Taylor, unknown, Charlie Heritage and Tom Robbins or Norman Grimmett.
Middle row – unknown, Bill Ellison, Dick Sutton and Bill Field.
Front row – unknown, unknown, Bill Robbins, Ron Hampton, Syd Halford.

Percy Taylor, with Kath Field in front of him, Dick Sutton, Bill Ellison, Gladys Southern, Clarrie Hampton, Bert Grove, unknown, Fred Robbins, Bill Field, and one unknown boy.

Back row – Nancy Butcher, Lillian Butcher, Bet Grove, Gwen Willis, Violet Bennett and Gladys Turner.
Front row – Clarice Butcher with possibly Ethel Sutton tucked in behind her, Iris Taylor, unknown, Kath Fields and Edith Sutton.

Back row – Fred Robbins, Leslie Moisey, Bill Ellison and a lad who is possibly a Grimmett or a Robbins child.
Front row – unknown, Bill Field, Percy Taylor, Dick Sutton and another unidentified lad.

Bill Ellison, unknown, Clarrie Hampton, Dick Sutton, Fred Robbins, Bet Grove, Percy Taylor, Gladys Southern and Bill Field.

Sitting on the fence are - ------Gosling, Sid Cull, Harry Field, Jack Haines and Billy Walters.
Middle row – Ernie Summers, Reg Cox, Howard Southern and an unknown boy with the tie.
Front row – Stan Taylor, Charlie Parker, Geoff Hancock and Cecil Brotherton

Dick Sutton, Percy Taylor, Gladys Turner, Gwen Willis, Bill Field, Nancy Butcher, Lilian Butcher, Violet Bennett and Bill Ellison.

On the left hand side of the table only the third girl is positively identified as Clarrie Hampton, although in front of her may be Bet Grove.
On the right hand side are :- Mr George Hancock and receding into the background are Bill Ellison, Fred Robbins, ----- Field, Dick Sutton and Percy Taylor.

The boy running away is probably Geoff Hancock and the girl sitting on another girl’s lap is probably Betty Hancock.
Boys’ names |
Picture numbers |
Girls’ names |
Picture numbers |
Cecil Brotherton |
7 |
Violet Bennett |
4,8 |
Reg Cox |
7 |
Hilda Brotherton |
1 |
Sid Cull |
7 |
Clarice Butcher |
4 |
Bill Ellison |
2,3,5,6,8,10 |
Lillian Butcher |
4 |
Bill Field |
2,3,5,6,8 |
Nancy Butcher |
4,8 |
Harry Field |
7 |
Eileen Colley |
1 |
----- Field |
10 |
Kath Field |
3,4 |
Norman Grimmett |
2 ? |
Joyce Franklin |
1 |
---------- Grimmett ? |
8 |
------- Gosling ? |
1 |
Bert Grove |
3 |
Bet Grove |
4,6,10 |
Jack Haines |
7 |
Clarrie Hampton |
3,6,10 |
Syd Halford |
2 |
Betty Hancock |
11 ? |
Ron Hampton |
2 |
Alma Jelfs |
1 |
Geoff Hancock |
7, 11 ? |
Frances Jelfs |
1 |
Charlie Heritage |
2 |
Wendy Mayer |
1 |
Leslie Moisey |
5 |
Nesta Moisey |
1 |
Charlie Parker |
7 |
Bet Parker |
1 |
Bill Robbins |
3,5,6,10 |
Olive Parker |
1 |
Fred Robbins |
3,5,6,10 |
Hilda Pitman |
1 |
Tom Robbins |
2 ? |
Gladys Southern |
3,6 |
------ Robbins |
5 ? |
Vi Southern |
1 |
Howard Southern |
7 |
Edith Sutton |
4 |
Dick Sutton |
2,3,5,6,8,10 |
Ethel Sutton |
4 |
Percy Taylor |
2,3,5,6,8,10 |
Connie Taylor |
1 |
Stan Taylor |
7 |
Gladys Taylor |
4 |
Billy Walters |
7 |
Iris Taylor |
4 |
Gwen Willis |
3,4,8 |
Mr George Hancock is in picture 10 and possibly also in picture 9.
Mrs Alice Cox and Mrs Taylor are in picture 11.
In the table and the pictures the names are spelled as they occur in the notes accompanying the original photographs.
Tom Locke and Peggy Hancock
March 2013