Michael Sladden meets his fifth cousins, Ann Lunnon and Jenny Gosney, for the first time. Michael is the great-grandson of Dilnot Sladden (brother of Julius Sladden) who emigrated to New Zealand in the 1860s. Ann and Jenny are the great-granddaughters of Mary Anna Robinson (née Mourilyan, sister of Eugénie Sladden). As Julius Sladden and Eugénie Mourilyan were second cousins, that makes Michael, Ann and Jenny fifth cousins.
Another coincidence was that Jenny’s brother, Tony Walton, used to live at Sag Harbour, New York, and his daughter, Emma, still lives at Sag Harbour on the very same street that Michael once lived on when he was working in the States. Jenny, who had recently returned from a holiday in New York, was able to show Michael a photo of his former house with the Sladden postbox still there.