… west. Traces of a similar window are to be seen at the eastern end of the same wall, being exactly opposite the original position of the window above mentioned. It is evident that the window of which these traces remain was partly removed when the north transept was added to the church about the end of the 13th century. It may here be stated that the restorers were careful to destroy no original features of the church in the necessary work of demolition in preparing for the restoration itself, and this record will now proceed to give the details of which this latter consists.
The pinnacles of the tower were reset and repaired where perished, and a lightning conductor was installed connected with each pinnacle. New lead gutters were fixed in readiness for a flat lead covered roof at some future time in place of the existing slated one, and new mullions were inserted in the west window. The north wall of the nave was found to be so dilapidated that it was entirely rebuilt on new foundations six feet deep, care being taken to replace in its exact former position the Norman doorway and the traces of the ancient window close to the transept arch, while the window from the old south wall as before mentioned was inserted in this wall. The east wall of the transept had also to be rebuilt, the stone shelf which doubtless form part of an altar when the transept was used as a distinct Chapel, being replaced in its former position.
The various reconstructions involved the taking …