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National Farm Survey - no. 119, Wickhamford

Mr George WRIGHT
12 Pitchers Hill, Wickhamford
Size of Farm
5 acres and over

Census Form C47

C47 returned?
Acreage of Crops and Grass
Q10 - Potatoes, main crop and second earlies½ acre
Q23 - Orchards, with crops, fallow, or grass below the trees2½ acres
Q26 - Vegetables for human consumption (excluding Potatoes), Flowers and Crops under Glass3 acres
Q33 - TOTAL OF ABOVE ITEMS, 1-32 (Total acreage of excluding Rough Grazings)6 acres
Q70 - All other Pigs, 2-5 months1

Census Form C51

C51 returned?
Acreage of small fruit
Q81 - Strawberries1 acre
Acreage of vegetables for human consumption, flowers, crops under glass
Q88 - Brussels Sprouts1 acre
Q91 - Carrots¼ acre
Q92 - Parsnips½ acre
Q101 - Asparagus¼ acre
Q115 - TOTAL2 acres

Census Form SF

SF returned?
Motive power on holding on 4th June
Q140 - Wheel Tractors for field work, Number, Make and Horse Power1 - Simar Rototiller (4 Horse Power)
Q146 - If holding partly owned and partly rented, acreage and rent payable of land held as tenant6 acres - £9
Length of occupation of holding
Q147 - How many years have you been the occupier of the holding?8


B496 returned?
QA1 - Is occupier tenant or owner?Tenant
QA2b - If tenant, surname of ownerLORD (trustees)
QA3 - Is farmer full-time, part-time, spare time, hobby, other type, and other occupation, if anyPart time; also Garage mechanic
QA4 - Does farmer occupy other land? If so, name of holding, parish and countyNo
QA5 - Has farmer grazing rights over land not occupied by him? If so, nature of such rightsNo
Conditions of Farm
QB1 - Percentage of area on which soil is heavy/medium/light/peaty100% heavy
QB2 - Is farm conveniently laid out?Yes
QB3 - Percentage of farm which is naturally good/fair/bad100% good
QB4 - Situation in regard to roadGood
QB5 - Situation in regard to railwayGood
QB6 - Condition of farmhouse and buildingsFarmhouse - not applicable; Buildings - fair
QB7 - Condition of farm roadsFair
QB8 - Condition of fencesFair
QB9 - Condition of ditchesFair
QB10 - General condition of field drainageFair
QB14 - Is there infestation with rabbits and moles, rats and mice, rooks and wood pigeons, other birds, insect pests?No infestation
QB15 - Is there heavy infestation with weeds? If so, kind of weeds?Yes - bracken
QB16 - Are there derelict fields? If so, acreageNo
Water and Electricity
QC2 - Water supply to farm buildingsNone
QC3 - Water supply to fieldsWell
QC4 - Is there a seasonal shortage of water?No
QC5 - Electricity supply - public light, public power, private light, private powerNo electricity supply
QD1 - Is farm classified as A, B or C?B
QD2 - Reasons for B or C (old age, lack of capital, personal failings)Personal failings - lack of knowledge and initiative
QD3 - Condition of arable landFair
QD4 - Condition of pastureNot applicable
QD5 - Use of fertilisers on arable/grass landArable land - to some extent
Field information recorded by
R W Sidwell - 11 May 1943
Primary record completed by
P Brice - 30 Jun 1943