The annual meeting of the Badsey Adult School was held last Sunday at the Friends’ Meeting House. A musical programme had been arranged for the first half-hour and the singing was much enjoyed. Those who took part were Miss Jennie Knight, the Misses Pethard (Wickhamford), Messrs. Alfred Keyte, T. H. Knight, and A. E. Thorne. The President of the Junior School (Mr. W. W. Blake) gave a report of the year’s work in the Junior School. Meeting each Sunday at nine o’clock with an attendance of about twelve. In the savings and coal club between £40 and £50 had been saved. The outing to Blackpool in the summer had been much enjoyed. The boys had devoted their prize money to one of the relief funds. The Secretary of the Men’s School (Mr. Robert Pethard) reported an average attendance of 25. Through the Coal Club over 100 tons of coal had been purchased. The Sick and Dividend Society had a membership of 108 shares, paid out in sick pay £24, and declared a dividend of 24s per share. Much help had been given to the School’s educational work during the year by Messrs. C. A. Binyon, Chas Ash, L. E. Horne, H. W. Mayer, S. Jordan (Honeyborne), Asher Davidson and others who have visited the school. The Treasurer’s statement shewed a satisfactory balance in hand. Mr H. W. Mayer gave a very interesting address taking for his text “ And an highway shall be there,” speaking of the highway of life, its turnings, its companionships, the opportunities we meet, and the call to service. A very enjoyable meeting closed with singing the hymn “O God our help in ages past”, and the Benediction.