There were forty-five appeals before the Evesham Rural Tribunal on Tuesday, and in about thirty of the cases exemption was granted until October 1. The majority of the applicants were married men with market garden ground, and this postponement will enable them to gather their crops; of course they can appeal again at the expiration of the time allowed. Judging from what the applicants stated, it would almost seem that round the Badsey district robust healthy women are scarcer than they should be, for quite a number of the men said that they had delicate or invalid wives. The real reason probably is that the men with robust wives have already to a large extent joined the colours; and that those whose wives are less strong are asking for exemption partly because they hesitate to leave their delicate wives unless their services are urgently demanded by the country. It is worth noting that out of forty-five cases before the Tribunal, only one was heard in private. At the Borough tribunal a very much larger proportion of applicants ask that their cases may be heard in camera.