We have received a letter signed “Some Married Men from Evesham,” written from a certain barracks in this country, in which the writer says:
“I see by your paper that a lot of Evesham men are trying to get exemption. Now I think, the same as a lot more of my pals here, that it is a great shame that so many are getting off. We cannot blame the Tribunal, because they are there for that purpose, to consider the cases of all that apply. But, men, do not give them the chance to put you back. Come up at once of your own good will to duty. If only the tradesmen were to follow the examples of the market gardeners and employ women and girls, it would release a good many able bodied men from the shops. I think this could easily be done, and I am sure the women would be pleased to do that work as well as the work in the gardens; also the travelling for orders. I think with the rest of our Evesham men here that most of the shops in the town could be run by female labour. Now men , hand over your places behind the counter to the ladies and come and do your bit. You can get on with your training, and even if you are never put in the firing line the training will do you good in many ways. Do buck up and let us see you. Although we have not been here long we are getting on fine.”
It may be well to point out that a good many men have already been replaced by women in the Evesham shops.