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Thursday 22 May 1828 - Death of Mrs Scardefield in Badsey Brook

Category Hatches, Matches and Dispatches » Deaths
Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette
Transcription of article


The following distressing accident occurred at Badsey, Worcestershire, in the 26th ultimate.  In the evening, Mrs Scardefield and her husband walked down an orchard near their house, at the bottom of which Badsey Brook runs, for the purpose of looking at some young trees.  When they were about to return home, Mrs S said she would not go back through the orchard as the grass was wet, but by a public footpath which adjoined.  After she had passed over a style situate close to the brook, Mr Scardefield heard a shriek; he ran immediately to the place, and finding that she had fallen into the water, he instantly jumped in and, after considerable difficulty, succeeded in getting her on the bank.  She was removed home as quickly as possible, and everything was done by her friends and the medical man who was shortly after the accident in attendance, but their united efforts proved unavailing.

Verdict, accidental.