ALDINGTON – The year 1892 will be remembered as producing one of the lightest crops of hay on record, and we must go back as far as 1874 to find a season equally deficient. The quality, however, is particularly good, and most of it was got together without much damage from rain. Wheat, though short in the straw and in places thin on the ground, is likely to yield well, and will give a much better result both in quantity and quality than last year. Barley is a remarkably fine and abundant crop, and if it can be secured in good harvest weather will yield a quality such as has not been seen in English produce for many years. Beans have suffered from the continued drought; they Are very short strawed, and cannot produce an average yield. Roots of all kinds are thick enough, as regards plant, to grow a good crop with suitable weather. Apples as a rule are scarce. Pershore plums a good crop; Damascenes and Victorias irregular. The season has been a trying one for hops, and they are short of bine; blight has been very persistent since the middle of June, and much expense has been necessary to keep it under. The weather is now, however, more genial, and should this continue a fair crop of excellent quality may be expected. No ensilage has been made this season; the process is to be regarded as a resource in wet summers, when there is a large quantity of grass and the weather is unsuitable for haymaking.
Saturday 13 August 1892 – Arthur Savory’s report on the harvest in Aldington
Badsey and Aldington
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