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Saturday 11 Oct 1902 – Proposal for a new church clock at Badsey

Category Badsey and Aldington
Evesham Journal
Transcription of article


A public meeting was held in the old schoolroom on Tuesday night to consider whether a new clock shoule be placed in the church tower.  The Vicar (the Rev W H Price) presided, and amongst others present were Messrs J Sladden, C A Binyon, H Stewart, C Halford, J Knight, J Marshall, A Sparrow, E Wilson, R Pendlebury, H Keen, W Stanford, J Agg, T Knight, A Knight, C Moulberry etc.

The Chairman, in opening the proceedings, said a meeting was held on August 26 to consider the question of providing a clock for the church.  The estimate of Messrs John Smith & Sons of Derby, to provide a clock of the best workmanship, having the Westminster chimes, to strike all the quarters and hours, with less variation than three seconds a week, for £128, was read, and a committee was appointed to canvass the village for subscriptions.  The present meeting had been called in order to discuss what had been done since that meeting.  The Chairman added that the contractors guaranteed to keep the clock in order for two years.  They had a sum in hand amounting to about £59 10s.  Mr Pendlebury had suggested to him that they pay down to Messrs Smith the sum of £64 directly the clock was ready for use, £32 at the end of the first year after the clock had been finished, and the remainder at the end of the two years.  Acti8ng on that suggestion, he wrote to Messrs Smith & Son, and he had that morning received a telegram from them stating that they would be willing to accept those terms.  This, he thought, was a most liberal offer.  They had really got the money in hand which would have to be paid down when the clock was ready for use, and he thought tere would be no difficulty in raising the remainder of the money.

Mr J Knight asked if it was decided to have the clock with the Westminster chimes.

The Chairman said that was the general feeling of the meeting.

Mr Knight said he would like to have the clock, but let the matter of the chimes stop till they could get enough money to have some chimes to play a tune after the clock had struck.

The Chairman said that would be a bigger order, but he would support him later on if they could get money enough.

Mr Knight said he thought if they had the clock which was to cost £78 it would be the same clock that was in the £128 estimate.

It was pointed out to Mr Knight that the cheaper clock did not strike the quarters.

Mr Sladden said some of the money was given with a view to the Westminster chimes being added.

The Chairman said if they decided not to have the chimes they would have to go round and return some of the subscribers’ money.

Mr Stewart said he should want his money back if they did not have the chimes.

Mr Sladden said the addition of the Carillon chimes would be easy, but the Westminster chimes would be more expensive if not put in at first; of course, if they had the chimes to play only one tune it would not cost much.

After more discussion, Mr Stewart proposed that the clock with Westminster chimes be ordered at once.

Mr J Agg seconded, and the motion was carried with one dissentient.

The Chairman said he thought they had better elect a committee to deal with any details which may arise with regard to the carrying out of the work.

Mr Stanford proposed that the collectors should be appointed as the committee, with the Vicar and Churchwardens as ex-officio members.

Mr Knight seconded, and the motion was carried.

Mr Keen asked who was going to find the money afterwards.

Mr Pendlebury said they could put him down as a guarantor for £10, and Mr Stewart said they could also put him down for £5.

Mr Sladden proposed a vote of thanks to the collectors for their work, the result of which had been most gratifying.  He was sure the parish would be very pleased with the clock.

Mr Knight seconded.

The Chairman said the Committee had worked thoroughly well, and had been very successful.

Mr Stewart returned thanks.

A vote of thanks to the Chairman for presiding brought the meeting to a close.