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Friday 2 December 1949 – Badsey Fire Station to be handed over for the extension of Badsey churchyard

Category Badsey and Aldington
Evesham Standard & West Midland Observer
Transcription of article


A special parish meeting to discuss the question of the transfer of land belonging to the parish for incorporation into the extension of St James’s churchyard, was held at the Council School on Monday evening.  Mr C A Binyon, Chairman of the Parish Council, presided, and about 30 parishioners were present.

The Chairman explained that land between St James’ Churchyard and Chapel Street had been handed over to the Parochial Church Council by Miss Sladden.  In the centre of this plot of land stood the fire shed and yard, which was parish property, and could only be handed over for the churchyard extension with the sanction of the parish meeting.

Mr Binyon formally proposed that Badsey parishioners agree to hand over that portion of land now occupied by the Fire Station, and land adjoining, for the purpose of the extension of the churchyard.  The proposition was seconded by Mr A J Brazier, and carried unanimously.  The Chairman stated that the Parish Council would have to make arrangements with the Parochial Church Council regarding the shed previously used as a fire station.

Mr Binyon said they could either extend the present churchyard, or have a burial ground, and in Badsey a burial ground would prove a very expensive proposition and mean a heavy burden on the rates.  The chief expense would be the removal of the present boundary wall and its re-erection next to the road in Chapel Street.  Subscriptions would have to be asked for as the money handed over would be insufficient to meet this cost.  He then asked the meeting to consider whether the work should be carried out by voluntary labour or by a contractor.

Mrs L Byrd proposed and Mr M H Harvey seconded, that the work should be put out to contract.  Mr J E Knight moved an amendment, seconded by Mr G Nightingale, that the wire, bushes, rubbish, etc, should first be cleared away by voluntary labour and the remaining work put out to contract.  On being put to the vote, the amendment was carried and Mr B F P Blake agreed to arrange the voluntary labour.