The wedding took place at St James’ Church on Saturday of Miss Esme Mary Sparrow, only daughter of Mrs and the late Mr L Sparrow of South View Terrace, and Mr Ivor Louis John Pritchard, youngest son of Mrs and the late Mr G W Pritchard of Weston-super-Mare. The ceremony was performed by the Vicar (Canon W C Allsebrook). The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr Philip Sparrow, wore a light grey costume. The duties of best man were carried out by Mr Edward Powell. A native of the village, the bride received her early education at Badsey Council School, afterwards attending for five years Prince Henry’s Grammar School, where she passed her Oxford Senior Examination. Upon leaving school she was employed for two years by the London Press Exchange – the London advertising agents. Latterly she has been employed by Messrs Smith and Roberts, Solicitors, of Evesham. She also took an active part in social life in the village, being a teacher for some years at St James’ Church Sunday School and a member of the Girls’ Friendly Society. The bridegroom is a native of Wales, receiving his education at Tony Pandy Secondary School where he was a keen sportsman. For the past four years he has been in the employ of the Russell Workshops Ltd at Broadway, but moved to London when the firm transferred their business there. After a reception at the home of the bride’s mother, the happy couple left for London. They were the recipients of numerous presents, including one from the Badsey Cricket Club. Mr & Mrs Pritchard will make their future home at Rayner’s Lane, Middlesex.
Saturday 23 November 1935 – Wedding of Esme Mary Sparrow at Badsey
Hatches, Matches and Dispatches » Marriages
Evesham Standard & West Midland Observer
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