Jan 18/80
My Dearest Wife,
I must write at once in time for this evening’s post. I have not yet been down to see Grandmamma for they thought she and Aunt Susan both would be tired with seeing several Sunday visitors, so I have sent word that I should go to-morrow morning.
Austen Gardener wants Charlotte to go with me and dine off a turkey on Tuesday. Mother went to Church this morning, she seems very bonnie.
I am looking forward to receiving a letter from you to-morrow morning and hope to hear a good account of you all, give the babies a good kiss each from Papa, I hope little Jack will be very nice with his Mamma while I am away. Charlotte sends her love and thanks for the tie which she thinks very pretty.
I bought a book slide and presented it jointly with Charlotte to Mother. I also brought down a hare.
The dentist was out on Saturday, I went too late for that day, I must go on my return for curiously enough the stopping of the other tooth went on Friday evening. Uncle George has been to tea and stayed some time. Now I must say good night. God bless you my darling, I should so like to give you a good hug. With love from all and heaps from myself
Believe me ever
Your affect Husband
Julius Sladden