The first meeting of the creditors of Robert Heritage, of Wickhamford, Evesham, market gardener, was held at the offices of the Official Receiver, Copenhagen street, on Saturday morning, Mr E. Cox, Assistant Official Receiver, presiding. Mr O.H. New appeared for the debtor. The statement of affairs showed gross liabilities amounting to £187 8s. 6d., with £120 16s. expected to rank. The assets were: £12 deposited with the solicitor for costs of petition and £8 7s. 6d. estimated surplus from freehold cottage, leaving a deficiency of £100 8s. 6d.
The causes of the failure as alleged by the bankrupt were expense of cleaning and manuring foul land; bad seasons, and transactions with money lenders.
The Official Receiver’s observations were: The bankrupt has, since 1895, carried on a small business as a market gardener, in the Evesham district, where he commenced with a capital of £90, which he had saved. He has not kept any books. His liabilities represent an accumulation of debts contracted during the past four or five years, and include £37 for domestic and miscellaneous debts (which in turn embrace £10 8s. 11d. for bread, and £8 18s. for clothes) £47 for seed, manures, and other purchases for the garden, and £26 15s. for loans.
[More details were reported and the matter was left in the hands of the Official Receiver.]