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Wickhamford: 1616-1643 – John Jones

John Jones (or Joanes) was recorded as Wickhamford Vicar by 1622 and served there until at least 1643.  (The Clergy of the Church of England Database gives his dates as serving in Wickhamford from 1616 at least).  He was buried on 5th December 1648, so may have still  held the position five years later than 1643, as he is described in the Burial Register as “Mr John Jones, Minister”.

From the baptismal registers, it would seem that John had at least three children, Mary, Hester and John, born in 1632, 1636 and 1639 respectively.  The burial registers record a Katherine Jones dying in 1630 and a Hester Jones dying in 1638.  Parish registers of this period were often poorly maintained, if at all, so this may not be a complete record of his family.  In his Will he refers to his wife Katherine being buried in Wickhamford Chancel and he wished to be buried next to her.   He appears to have married again, as his Will also refers to his wife, Mary, but no record of this second marriage has been located.   The Will also mentions his daughter Mary and 'my son'.  He left 20 shillings towards the repair of the church and various other people are mentioned in the Will.

John Jones' Will, made in October 1648, just over a month before he died, gives details of his family and his bequests.