Corporal Douglas James Powell, who lived in Badsey for a year or two prior to the war, is honoured on the war memorial at St Luke’s Church, West Norwood. Douglas was born and brought up in West Norwood, hence the reason for his name being included on the memorial.
The war memorial is a Grade II listed monument and is situated by the entrance to St Luke’s Church and just across the road from West Norwood Cemetery. It is a tall stone cross resting on a splayed plinth. The plinth's front face features a wreath with a banner, on either side of which are the inscriptions: 1914 1919 and: 1939 1945. This rests on a three-stepped stone base; the top step being inscribed: PRO PATRIA; and the bottom: LEST WE FORGET.
The names of 158 men who died in the First World War dead are recorded on a plaque affixed to the church outside the entrance.