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HARWARD, John (Will)

Personal information

Place of Residence
Probate Type
Occupation or Status
Date Made
Ro George, Thomas James
Buried in parish

Probate details

Date Proved
1 Apr 1671
Place proved
Details of Will

William Harwood of Badsey, yeoman, and Margaret Harwood of Badsey send greeting.  William and Margaret being appointed executors of the will of John Harwood late of Badsey yeoman.

I, John Harward of Badsey, yeoman, being sickly and weak in body but of sound memory, give

  • All my lands tenements and my Netherfield Close to my son William for the term of 20 years from the date of the Indenture at and under ? £15 in which lease there is? Notwithstanding
  • My will is that for the whole year now ensuing my son William shall know all the effects of my lands, tenements and closes (saving to my wife her paying nothing at all for the same)
  • To my only daughter Margaret, I order my son William to pay the second year after my decease the sum of £9 and the year following the sum of £5 making a total of £14
  • To my son Thomas the sum of £10 to be paid by William
  • To my grandchild John Harward son of my son Richard the sum of £5 to be paid by William when he reaches the age of 14
  • To my grandchild Sarah, daughter of my son John Harward (late of the city of Bristol) Gunsmith when she attain the age of 16 the sum of £5 to be paid by William
  • And my will it that if my oldest son Ralph Harward shall pay on former to but pay unto the respective legatees herein named, for much as shall be then .. if my son Ralph should afterwards at any time within the term of the said 20 years pay (subject to ? paid unto my son William) …. Then my will is that said demise of 20 years shall … and my son Ralph his heirs and assigns shall then enter into and enjoy my said lands tenements closes, otherwise my son William to hold the same during the ? of years granted in the said Indenture (and not longer) …..all my lands tenements to my son Ralph his heirs and assigns

Executors:  My wife and my son William

Signed:  John G Harward

Notes and sources

Source of Information
Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service (link)
Where to view copy of original document
On microfilm at Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service, The Hive, Worcester (link)