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BALLARD, William Henry (Will)

Personal information

William Henry
Place of Residence
Badsey Fields Lane, Badsey
Probate Type
Date Made
15 Nov 1923
C A Binyon (JP, Worcs), Badsey; Augustine Dore, Market Gardener, Badsey
Date Died
23 Feb 1924
Buried in parish

Probate details

Date Proved
24 Mar 1924
Place proved
Probate to
Alfred Ballard (market gardener), Edwin Ballard (market gardener)
£835 0s 5d
Details of Will

I William Henry Ballard of Badsey Field Lane, Badsey, give to:

  • My wife, Sarah Jane Ballard for her own absolute use and benefit my household and personal effects and for her use during her lifetime, my household residence and other freehold property, the aforesaid house and land to be sold at her death and the proceeds divided equally among my four children, Edith Marjorie Halford, George William Ballard, Arthur Ballard and Alfred Cornelius Ballard.
  • To my two sons Arthur and Alfred Cornelius, I give my tenant right in the two acres or thereabouts which I rent from my brother Alfred Ballard and the residue of my estate I give to my wife Sarah Jane Ballard for her own use absolutely.

Executors:  my brothers Alfred Ballard and Edwin Ballard.

Signed:  William Henry Ballard

Notes and sources

Source of Information
Ancestry Index; Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service (link)
Where to view copy of original document
Order online from Principal Probate Registry or view on microfilm (p 121) at Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service, The Hive, Worcester (link)