Personal information
Place of Residence
Greystoke, Paxford, Blockley
Probate Type
Occupation or Status
Date Made
25 Sep 1919
Frances Tysoe Smith at Ye Wells, Llandrindod Wells, Artist; H Challen, Solicitor, Moreton-in-Marsh
Date Died
26 Feb 1920
Buried in parish
Probate details
Date Proved
31 Dec 1920
Place proved
Probate to
Alfred Newland (auctioneer), Clara Emily Byrd (spinster)
£1,969 13s 9d
Details of Will
This is the last will and testament of me Emily Byrd of Greystoke, Paxford, in the parish of Blockley in the county of Worcester widow
Executors: I appoint my brother Alfred Newland of Newport in the county of Monmouth Auctioneer and Land Agent and my daughter Clara Emily Byrd now residing with me at Greystoke, Paxford aforesaid spinster to be the executors of this my will
I bequeath:
- To my son Thomas Vaughan Byrd at present residing in Salisbury in the colony of Rhodesia South Africa on Government Service the silver cup won by my late husband's horse "Merry Maid" (and bearing an inscription to that effect)
- To my son William Phillips Byrd of Number 42 Bath Road in the city of Birmingham Clerk the two-handled silver loving cup won by a prize puppy belonging to my said late husband and I also bequeath unto my said son William Phillips Byrd during his life an annuity of £20 commencing from my death to be payable by equal half-yearly payments the first payment thereof to be made at the expiration of six calendar months from my death
- I give devise and bequeath all my real estate of every tenure and wheresoever situate and all the residue of my personal estate and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever not hereby otherwise disposed of including as well real as personal estate over which I may have any general power of appointment or disposition by will (subject as to my said personal estate to the payment of my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and the aforesaid annuity) unto and to the use of my said daughter Clara Emily Byrd her heirs executors administrators and assigns respectively for her and their absolute use and benefit
I revoke all former wills and testamentary dispositions by me at any time heretofore made In witness whereof I the said Emily Byrd the Testatrix have to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal this 25th day of September in the year of our Lord 1919.
Notes and sources
Formerly of Badsey.
Source of Information
Ancestry Index; Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service (link)
Where to view copy of original document
Order online from Principal Probate Registry or view on microfilm at Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service, The Hive, Worcester (link)