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December 1900 - Another Concert at Badsey

Monthly Magazine for the Parishes of S James, Badsey, with Aldington & S John Baptist, Wickhamford
Transcription of article


A very enjoyable Concert was given in the Old School, on Monday, November 26th, at 7.30 p.m., and there was a very large audience. This was the second of a series of Concerts, which it is hoped will be arranged during the winter months. The various items were very creditably rendered by the members of the Parish Church Choir assisted by other Parishioners and some of the School Children. The Concert was opened by a Pianoforte Duet by the Misses Sharp, and a Solo on the Piano was played in the second part by Miss M. Cull. Mr. E. Warner played a Violin Solo, and Songs were given by Miss Bell, Mr. T. H. Knight, and Mr. L. Sparrow. Messrs. G. Jones and A. Dore sang a Duet entitled "Larboard Watch," as did also Messrs. J. Agg and E. Ballard the Duet "Army and Navy." The Glees "Once I loved a maiden fair" and "All among the Barley" were rendered by a full choir, and the Song "Grace Darling" was sung by the trebles only. A Hunting Song and a Negro Song were given by the Choir Boys, and the Vicar read a piece about two Frenchmen. Two very popular items on the programme were songs given by the School Children, which evoked very great applause. They had been very carefully trained by Mr. and Miss MacDonald, and reflected the greatest credit upon their teachers. Our best thanks are due to all those who helped us with the programme and provided such a pleasant evening's amusement. A vote of thanks was proposed to the performers by Mr. A. H. Savory and seconded by Mr. H. Keen, and was enthusiastically carried. The platform had been prettily decorated with flowers kindly lent by Mr. C. A. Binyon.