A vestry meeting was held in the schoolroom in this village on Saturday the 23rd inst for the purpose of appointing Churchwardens for the present year. The Rev T H Hunt named Mr C J Huband as his warden. Mr Hall proposed and Mr Hartwell seconded Mr William Byrd as people’s warden; and Mr Jones was nominated for the office, on the proposition of Mr New, seconded by Mr Aldington. The meeting was thinly attended. The show of hands being in favour of Mr Jones, a poll was demanded by Mr Hall, on the part of Mr Byrd. The following Tuesday was appointed for the election to take place but, in order to obviate the necessity of an election, Mr Jones signified his withdrawal from the contest, by the following letter, addressed to the Vicar (the Rev T H Hunt):
Badsey, Aril 27th 1870
Rev Sir
It certainly is not worthwhile to disturb the quiet of this parish by the turmoil of a contested election for the office of Churchwarden. I therefore retire from the contest and I will allow Mr William Byrd to take the office of Churchwarden, without any opposition on may part.
I am, Sir, yours truly
In consequence of this letter, and the withdrawal of opposition on the part of Mr Joseph Jones, Mr William Byrd was elected parish Churchwarden for the coming year.