BLACKMINSTER TRANSFER – County Council Approve Recommendation
No seconder was found on Monday for an amendment that Worcestershire County Council should refer back a recommendation approving the transfer from Offenham to Badsey parish of the part of Blackminster parish lying to the south of the GWR.
Alderman R Aldington contended that no argument was advanced at the inquiry to show that the transfer would be in the interests of good government – the arguments were on sentimental grounds. Very serious consideration should precede the alteration of old parish boundaries. The ecclesiastical boundary would remain unaltered.
Mr J Hughes said the petitioners, on the other hand, had wanted the whole parish transferred, and complained of being unable to share in the benefits of Offenham’s special 4d rate for electric light.
After Mr H Ashwin had said that only one person in the district did not sign the petition, no seconder was found for Alderman Aldington’s resolution.