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Badsey & Aldington Trail - Location 5

The Poor’s Land

This piece of land, about 9 acres in total, is the permanent endowment of the Aldington and Badsey Relief in Need Charity. This charity was set up over 300 years ago by 5 Badsey & Aldington parishioners whose names are recorded on a board in St James’ church as shown below:

Mr Thomas Martin of Aldington gave five Pounds

Mrs Jane Jarret of ye same gave 5 Pounds

Mr Aug’tn Jarret of ye same gave 20 Pounds

Mrs Eliz. George of Badsey gave 7 Pounds

Mr Jar’t Stephens of ye same gave 6 Pounds

“the above sums were given to the Poor that they might have the use forever in Bread”

The charity continued to distribute bread until 1978, when there were 17 beneficiaries receiving 2 loaves of bread a month. It was then amalgamated with 4 other charities to form the Aldington and Badsey Relief in Need Charity, with the aim of assisting residents who are “in conditions of need, hardship or distress, by making grants of money or paying for item. Services or facilities calculated to reduce the need, hardship or distress of such persons”.