It was with feelings of the profoundest sorrow and regret that the news of Mrs. Swift's death, which took place on Friday evening, May 16th, was received in these parishes. Mrs. Swift had only been ill for a fortnight and, although for some days her condition had been critical, the fact had not been generally realised and the news of her death came to most people as a painful surprise. For Mr. Swift the deepest sympathy is felt.
Mrs. Swift, who was a devoted Churchwoman, was deeply interested in all departments of Church work, and had for years been actively associated with the G F. S. She was Hon. Sec. of the Evesham Branch of the Society and, in conjunction with Mrs. Drysdale, had for a long time conducted weekly meetings of members resident in Wickhamford Mrs. Swift was the only daughter of the late Alderman A. H. Lock, of Dorchester (Dorset), and her widowed mother survives her. The funeral took place at Dorchester on Tuesday, May 20th, the officiating clergy being the Warden of Keble College, Oxford (Mrs. Swift's uncle and godfather) and the Rev. M. W. Kinloch, Rector of Holy Trinity, Dorchester, in which parish Mrs. Swift was for many years a diligent worker.
A Memorial Service was held in Wickhamford Church at the same hour as the funeral. The service consisted of the Burial Office, with Versicles and Responses in place of the Committal, and the musical portions were rendered by the Choir with much feeling. Helmore's music was used for the Anthems and the hymns were the same as those sung at the funeral. The church was practically filled with friends and sympathisers and the Vicar preached a short sermon on Job 26, 14, in which he spoke of the lessons of Mrs Swift's life and death. R.I.P.