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August 1898 - Badsey Church Decoration

Monthly Magazine for the Parishes of S James, Badsey, with Aldington & S John Baptist, Wickhamford
Transcription of article


The Churchwardens have decided to have the spoutings and other outside work of the Church painted. This is a very necessary work in order to preserve the fabric in proper order. A bier for carrying the dead at funerals is also shortly to be provided. This has been a great want for a very long time. This work will involve a considerable outlay, and we trust that members of the congregation will remember these extra expenses when giving their alms for Church expenses, out of which the cost will be defrayed. While speaking of the dead may we ask as a special favour that parishioners, who have friends lying in the Churchyard, will not put artificial flowers on the graves. Real flowers are greatly to be desired, because they are symbolical of the Resurrection of the Dead. Sham flowers are meaningless and quite out of place in an English Churchyard.