Monthly Magazine for the Parishes of S James, Badsey, with Aldington & S John Baptist, Wickhamford
Transcription of article
The report of H. M. Inspector upon the work of the schools for the year ending March 31 last has been received, and is as follows:
- Mixed School: "The Mixed School continues in a creditable state of efficiency. The discipline is excellent."
- Infants' School: "The Infants' write and sing nicely. They also show proficiency in kindergarten exercises and knowledge of common objects. The rest of their work is of fairly good quality. The Infants' behaviour, too, deserves commendation."
The two candidates for pupil teachership presented at the April examination passed the examination, and M. G. Pethard is recognised on the staff of the Mixed Department as a pupil teacher from January 1st, 1903, and L. R. Cull on that of the Infants' Department from January 1st, 1904. L. R. Cull is not old enough for recognition from January 1st, 1903.