34 Devonshire Place
Wimpole Street W
Wednesday, May 17th 1916
Dear Juliet
I am writing to tell you how sorry I am to hear that your Mother has died. Will you please take the will for the words because I am sympathising with you inside of me, but I cannot express in words what I am feeling?
I do hope you will get through your exam successfully and that all the others will do so too. How many of you are there going in for it in June? I only know of Joyce and Freda besides yourself.
If you have time to write to me, do tell me lots of school news. How many new girls are there? What are the twin daygirls called? Who are 17ers now? Ditto chaps? Does Miss Hamilton still teach music? Who are her nuttiest pupils? Next time you see her please give her my love. I have been learning Rubinstein’s Mélodie in F major, and a thing called Grossmütterchen by Gustav Langer. The latter is full of vile consecutive 3rds which sound lovely on a violin, but are the limit to play on the piano!
I am not to have any music or singing lessons until the war is over.
I saw Miss H Grierson last Saturday.
How is the Clubs’ committee?
Much love.