Seward House
8th July 1915
My dearest wife
I propose to travel up by the 12.25 train tomorrow (Friday). I do not think I shall make a rush for the 3.20 but shall go round quietly by the tube, have a cup of tea at Victoria and take the 4.30 which is due at Eastbourne at 6.18. Do not trouble to meet me unless you have nothing else to do. I can send my bag up by a porter and walk up. I am arranging to stay till Tuesday and then go up by the 2.25 pm that would enable me to get back at 7.46. It has been fine today and will keep so I hope. We postponed having the wounded soldiers as the weather was so uncertain. Ethel has such a long letter from George Crisp giving a most graphic account of their landing in Gallipoli, I will bring it with me. Cyril’s large photo of C Company has arrived, of course the individual faces are small, he himself comes out fairly well, these groups are seldom very distinct. Charlotte’s banker writes that they will arrange to make the temporary advance to enable her to convert her consols and former war loan. We are all well. I hope Aunt Lizzie is in good form.
Much love.
Your affectionate husband
Julius Sladden