Ellen BALLARD (née HALFORD) (1840-1917)
Ellen Ballard, née Halford (1840-1917), was a local person who is mentioned in a letter written by May Sladden on 24th September 1916.
Ellen Halford was born at Offenham in the latter part of 1840, the sixth of seven children of William Halford, a shepherd, and his wife, Ann. The Halfords were living at Aldington by the time of the 1861 census.
Two months later, Ellen married Charles Ballard at St James’ Church, Badsey, on 8th June 1961. They had six sons and three daughters: Mary Anne (1862), William Henry (1863-1869), Alfred (1865-1939), John (1867-1869), Emily (1869), William Henry (1872-1924), Charles (1874-1953), Edwin (1877-1962) and Mabel Ellen (1879).
In early married life, Ellen and Charles lived in a cottage on Old Post Office Lane, Badsey. By 1901 they had moved to The Dove Cote, Village Street, Aldington. It was this house which May Sladden visited in September 1916 when she was collecting money for the Belgians and found it difficult to get away as Mrs Ballard, and her neighbour, Mrs Heath, were so keen to talk.
Charles Ballard died in February 1914 and Ellen in October 1917, aged 76.