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Valuation Survey - Badsey (assessment number 513)

Assessment Number
National Archives Field Book Reference
Date Inspected
3 Sep 1912
Present-day Address or Approximate Location
Badsey Fields Estate - The Green

Property description

Land and Buildings
Estimated Extent
12a 1r 22p
Interest of Owner
Badsey Fields Estate - The Green
Lot 2 Badsey Fields sale. Pasture land; brick and tile barn.

Occupier, owner and rent details

Occupier's name
Charles KNIGHT
Owner's Name
Percy H BYRD
Address of Owner (as in Valuation Book or Provisional Valuation)
Stork Hotel, Liverpool
Rent Amount
£56 (includes 1094 and 1095; subject to a reduction of 5% if paid at time of audit)
Occupier's Tenancy - Term

Valuation details

Gross Value (amount which the land might be expected to make on the open market, free of any encumbrances)£835
Full Site Value (amount which remained after deducting the value of the buildings, etc, from the gross value of the land)£700
Total Value (gross value, with deductions made for any fixed charges, rights of way and rights of common)£825
Assessable Site Value£690
Deductions for buildings and structures (when working out the full site value)£75
Deductions for other things growing or on the land (when working out the full site value)£60
Deductions made for fixed charges, etc (when working out the Total Value)£135
Deductions made for things such as easements, tithes, public rights of way when arriving at market value£10 (easement - accommodation road)

Provisional valuation and sale details

Provisional Valuation Date Confirmed
23 Oct 1912
Person interested in the land (name)
Person interested in the land (address)
Person interested in the land
Sale Notes
Sold for £825

Additional information

Land Valuation Survey Maps
Views maps (D)