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JONES, John (Will)

Personal information

Place of Residence
Probate Type
Occupation or Status
Date Made
2 Oct 1758
Thomas Ashfield, Jonathan Bishop, Edward Wilson
Buried in parish

Probate details

Date Proved
15 May 1759
Place proved
Probate to
Piercy Jones
Details of Will

I, John Jones of Badsey, yeoman, being sick and weak in body but of sound mind, memory and understanding, give:

  • To my brother Francis Grove Jones, All that my barn and stable and all my lands and hereditaments in Offenham, charged with one annuity of £10 given by Francis Grove to my aunt Martha Barber for her natural life and also charged with a debt of £120 which I owe to my said Aunt Barber on bond and also with another debt of £100 which I owe to William Roberts of Evesham on bond
  • To my brother Piercy Jones All that my Close in Badsey called Claybrook he paying thereout to my sister Ann Knight one annuity of £3 3s for her natural life and I do charge and make chargeable the said close called Claybrook with the payment of the said annuity
  • To my nephew Joseph, son of my brother William Jones all other my messuages, lands, tenements and hereditaments in Badsey, charged with one annuity of £10 given by my said uncle Francis Grove to my mother for the term of her natural life and also charged with all other my debts
  • To my brother Piercy my silver tankard
  • My will is that my brother Piercy shall ? and make £200 out of my personal estate and therewith pay himself which I acknowledge to be due and coming to him from and out of my said stock
  • To my brother William one annuity of £6 to be paid him by my nephew Joseph for his natural life and I do hereby charge the said premises devised to my nephew Joseph with the payment of the said annuity to my brother William
  • To my niece Mary Jones the sum of £40 to be paid her within 4 years after my decease and I do hereby make chargeable the premises devised to my nephew Joseph Jones with the payment of the £40
  • After my brother Piercy shall be paid the said £200 out of my said stock, then I do hereby give the residue to my nephew Joseph Jones and also all the rest and residue of my goods chattels and personal estate
  • My will is that my brother William’s annuity shall be paid him half yearly
  • I give to my brother Piercy my greatcoat and to my nephew Joseph my two best suits of clothes, my four best shirts, my best hat, body spurs and buckles
  • and all the rest of my wearing apparel to my brother William

Notes and sources

Source of Information
Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service (link)
Where to view copy of original document
On microfilm at Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service, The Hive, Worcester (link)