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Thursday 27 August 1936 - Aeroplane lands in a field near Wickhamford as a result of pilot losing his map

Category Wickhamford
The Gloucestershire Echo
Transcription of article


Pilot Loses His Way Near Broadway

Excitement was caused in the Broadway district when an aeroplane came down as a result of a pilot losing his map. The machine circled over the village several times before descending. Crowds of people watched it come gradually lower and lower, and the machine finally settled in a field near Wickhamford. It was learned that the map used by the pilot blew out of the aeroplane somewhere around Broadway district. The machine was travelling from Sealand, Chester, to Abingdon, Berkshire.

The pilot latter telephoned for another ’plane to come to his assistance, and within a very short time a machine was circling over the field. He sent distress signals up to the other ‘plane, and after a short time both machines continued the journey.