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March 1911 - Children's Operetta

Monthly Magazine for the Parishes of S James, Badsey, with Aldington & S John Baptist, Wickhamford
Transcription of article


Most successful performances of an operetta, entitled "Cinderella's At Home," were given in the Old School on February 15th, 16th, and 20th, by children attending the Council School. The very greatest credit is due to Ida Dore and all her little colleagues, as well as to those who trained them or otherwise assisted in the production of the piece. Only those who have had to do with the musical, training of children can properly appreciate the character of the task so pluckily undertake and so successfully performed by Miss Bird and Miss Sparrow. Moreover, the, enthusiasm of the two prime movers, was evidently of a highly infectious order, for their efforts were most ably seconded by Mr. L. Sparrow, conductor, Mr. A. Wyles, jun., chief stage-carpenter and footlight-operator, Mr. C. A. Binyon, lessee and manager, and Mr. A. Sparrow, who ran the risk of serious pecuniary loss by allowing his residence to be converted into what can only be described as a "public" house for some two or three months. Seldom have the Old Schools accommodated audiences as large or appreciative as those which assembled to witness "Cinderella's At Home," and we heartily congratulate all concerned. The receipts amounted to £16 5s. 8d., and the expenditure (inclusive of a voluntary payment of 10s. for the use of the Old School) to £3 5s. 7d., so that there remains the handsome balance of £13 0s. 1d., out of which it is proposed to give a tea, one day during Easter Week, to all the children attending the Day Schools. Photographs (price 2d. each) of those who took part in the performances may be had at Mr. A. Sparrow's.