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Stage 2 – Form 4-Land (Duties on Land Values)

Walter Warmington, as Inspector of Taxes for the Aldington district, also received a batch of Form 4 forms, to be sent out to landowners based on the Poor Rate.  “An owner of land or any person receiving rent in respect of land” was required to complete and return the form to the district valuation office.  The penalty for not returning the completed form was £50.

Form 4 comprised 4 pages:  the first section on page 1 was extracted from the Rate Books and was completed by Walter Warmington, giving details of the parish, Poor Rate number, name of occupier, description and situation of property, estimated extent, and the gross estimated rental and rateable value.  As the land was to be valued as at 30th April 1909, it was explained that the particulars should, as far as possible, be applicable to the circumstances at that date.  The next 3½ pages were then to be completed by the owner. 



VS09cropped%20Form%204c.jpgVS10cropped%20Form%204d.jpgWarmington kept a note of when the forms were sent out in the Valuation Book where there was a Form-24 Land, headed “Record of Service of Forms of Return:  for the use of the Land Valuation Officer”.  This form reveals that, between 29th August 1910 and 14th September 1910, Warmington sent out forms to owners, either delivering them or sending by registered post.  He signed the page which contained the information about forms sent out and dated it 28th November 1910.  On the right-hand side is a form headed, “Record of Proceedings subsequent to the collection of Forms of Return:  for the use of the Valuer.”  No entries were made.

The four-page Form 4 was returned to the district valuation office.  These have rarely survived, but a copy of one Form 4 may be found within a bundle of Form 37 at Worcestershire Record Office (BA 8585, 009:5, Parcel 4).  This was completed by Joseph Sharp (brother of Jerry Sharp, the miller at Aldington) of The Laurels, Offenham, who owned land in Aldington.  This form was signed by Joseph Sharp, retired miller, on 9th September 1910.