Monthly parish newsletter distributed free to all households in the parish. Personnel - Vicar, Reverend Dr Adrian Hough, The Vicarage; Assistant, Reverend Michael Shepherd, 90 Main Street, Bretforton; Churchwardens, Mrs Sue Cole, 45 Bretforton Road and Mr Chris Robbins, 1 Oak Close; Readers, Mr John Callaghan, Mrs Penny Christison; Newsletter Editor, Mrs Yvonne Haynes, 4 Green Leys. Badsey register: funeral of Henry Merriman. Includes letter from Adrian, the Vicar. Reports on carol singing (church choir and the Friday Club did a carol singing tour of the village and raised £280); bingo (held at Remembrance Hall raised £150, thanks to Mrs Mary Dore, Mrs Joan Hewlett, Mrs Muriel Morcombe, Mr Ron Keyte); tapes of BBC Radio Hereford & Worcester recording of church service available from Sue Cole; Mother's Union (Sandra Sparrow); St James' Flower Guild (Mrs J Gardner & Mrs H Stewart, Mrs M Clarke & Mrs M Castle, Mrs P Goldstraw & Mrs S Goldstraw, Mrs S Hartley & Mrs E Sams).
2001 Jan - St James, Badsey with Aldington, Parish Newsletter
Year created
Publication Date/Date Made
January 2001
Physical Characteristics (Dimensions)
14.8 cm x 21 cm
Physical Characteristics (Description)
1 sheet of A4 paper folded to make A5-size leaflet
Donor or Creator of Records
Badsey Parochial Church Council
Distributed to all households in Badsey and Aldington
Nature of Acquisition
Free leaflet
Accession Date
Access Conditions
Contact Archive Manager
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