I am a descendant of William Collet, who married Mary Salter in Badsey in 1790. Neither was born in Badsey and I cannot find where they came from. There was another family with a William Collett, who married Nancy Bird and they stayed in Badsey.
William and Mary had 3 children; William junior married Ann Hulbert in Abbots Morton in 1826. Their youngest son, Anthony, was my great grandfather.
William Collett who married Mary Salter was born in Broadway in 1757. He was youngest born son of Richard Collett who married Elizabeth Keen in Stow on the Wold 3 Oct 1741. It is likely that the couple had children before moving to Broadway but I have no record of these. Those born at Broadway, some dying young, are Ann 1750, William 1751, Richard 1753, John 1754, Richard 1754, John 1755 and William 1757. I am attaching all the details on a separate e-mail to you.
I am trying to find out any information on an Arthur Jeffreys, buried 28Dec1775 & Sarah Jeffreys, burried 13Aug1771 and their family:-
William baptised 21Feb1761
Sarah baptised 9May1762
Arthur bapitised 11Aug1765
Elizabeth bapitised 3Jan1768
Mary bapitised 23Sep1770
I believe Arthur & Sarah Cowley married in Long Marston (Morton Siccia) in 1760
I also believe Arthur remarried afer Sarah's death to an Anne Reeves in 1771 in North & Middle Littleton, but I have no further information on her, her birth or what happened to her after Arthur's death.
I have no information on Arthur's birth, various records say "Of Badsey" but I cannot find a birth for him in Badsey.
Would anybody have any information or could steer me to somebody who might?
This is a wonderful resource. Well done to the creators. I was delighted to find a postcard from my great-grandfather F E Robinson regarding bell ringing from 1897 and addressed to your then vicar. How amazing that something so small could have been kept in the first place and now to have re-emerged on your excellent website. When time allows I am looking forward to learning more about Badsey.
Thank you for your kind comments, Liz. How wonderful that you have been able to view a card written by your great-grandfather. If you look at the January 1903 Parish Magazine (in the St James' Church section of this website) you will see that your great-grandfather is mentioned again. Two new bells had just been fitted in St James' church tower. On 30th December 1902, Reverend Robinson brought over to Badsey a select group of ringers from the Oxford Diocesan Guild. They rang the first peal of 5040 Stedman's Triples on eight bells in 2 hours 52 minutes. Your great-grandfather is also mentioned on our historical website, www.badsey.net, in the section called "Bellringers".
I am researching the Crisp family history. My 3 times great grandparents were Stephen and Elizabeth (nee Falkener) and my Great Great Grandfather was Alfred Crisp 1829 - 1925. He was a stone mason and built many houses in Badsey and Bretforton. He and his wife Fanny (nee Haines) had 9 girls and 1 boy and they lived at Old Post Office Lane with three of their children, Laura Matilda, Eliza Elizabeth and Sarah Jane before moving to Rose Cottage Drinkwater Lane Bretforton.
Alfred and Fanny's only son Harry was a local builder. One of the houses he built was Cassilis The Pike, Badsey, for his sister Alice Crisp (Nell) a school teacher at Bretforton School.
I have a postcard of The Wheatsheaf in Badsey, with my grandfather Jelfs outside next to a horse and cart, it is not dated but it must be around 1880/1900.
I would love to hear from any one who has connections with the Crisp family of Badsey or Jelfs of Willersey.
I have a couple of Jelfs that married into our Chamberlain side if any use, I don't have many details at present as I haven't long found out about them, I would be interested in your Falkener connection though as we have Faulkner/Faulkener family who I am struggling to put any meat on the bones of this branch. Although these are not from the Badsey area I don't think. My email address is maltings1971@gmail.com
I have only very recently been involved in much correspondence regarding this Crisp family and in ascertaining who were the parents of Stephen Crisp who married Elizabeth Falkener. He was in fact the illegitimate son of Mary Crisp, daughter of William & Anne Crisp (nee Rogers) who were married at Badsey in 1762. Mary (b.1763) never married and was buried in Badsey in 1829. Her son was apprenticed to her father William who originated from the Littletons where I have traced his ancestors back to 1640 in Cleeve Prior. Were you aware that the school teacher Alice Ellen Crisp (Nell)had a son Charles who was born in 1894 in Bretforton?
My maiden name is Stanford. John Stanford Crisp Born 15 June 1927 Badsey, died June 2008, was my 3rd cousin. His father was Arthur George Crisp born 18 July 1897, Badsey, died 1971 Malvern. Arthur married Eva Helen Stanford on 3 February 1925. Eva was born 23 October 1897, Badsey and died 11 May 1992, Badsey. Arthur and Eva had four children as far as I can gather from my research Janet M Crisp born 1929, a Living Crisp no information, Mary Crisp and John Stanford Crisp. I did not know any of the Crisp family, the above info found whilst carrying out research on my Stanford Family tree. I do hope this helps a little with your research Julia. Best wishes Liz James, West Midlands.
Alfred Crisp was my 3rd great grandad; Laura Crisp his daughter was my great great grandma and her daughter Margaret 'Bessie' Horan was my great grandma. I have a photo of Alfred and his wife which I have put on ancestry.co.uk so you may have seen it. My grandma had lots of newspaper clippings of obituaries of the Crisps. We also have photographs of some of the female Crisps but I have no idea who they are and sadly no-one in the family who may have known is still living.
I am interested in learning more about this side of the family and would love to hear from you.
Have just been reading the topic on the chamberlain's from Bowers hill . My farther was Norman Jelfs (nidgie) he always told me that three Jelfs brothers married three Chamberlain sisters from bowers hill one went on to live in Aldington at Sherwood farm (my grandfather) and one stayed in bowers hill . My grandfather was Walter married Flo the one in Bowers hill was Bill he married Kath dont know of the other one. Dont know if its the same family ?
I have the Walter/Flo marriage with 5 children ending in Edna Jelfs. I also have Ellen Maria married to Alfred Leonard Jelfs but no children for this marriage so far (not sure if this is correct). And the last I have is Lillian Maud married to Ernest Frederick Jelfs, again no children known and unsure if this is correct.
It is definitely the same family, I would love to have more information on any of these if you have any please.
The descendant of my partner is their brother Albert Francis Chamberlain whose daughter Elizabeth Emily Chamberlain married Francis Henry Groves, their son Winston was Dean (my partners') father.
If you would consider emailing me I could send you what I have from this line of the 3 Chamberlain girls for you to see if I have it correct.
I do have extensive records of the Jelfs family and can confirm that I could find no children for Ellen Maria and Alfred Leonard Jelfs but seven children for Lillian Maud and Ernest Frederick. All born at Bretforton and all baptised at St. Leonard's Church. I also have five children for the Walter/Flo marriage.
Thank you Peter, would it be possible to email any details of Lillian & Ernest please, I shall have a look on Freebmd now and match the children to the one marriage. As there were 2 marriages close to each other I wasn't sure which ones belonged to which marriage.
I will send details via your e-mail address. There is a correction to my last note. Walter and Flo had six not five children. The first child Iris Ellen (born in 1915) was not baptised. In addition you will not find another of their children Dorothy Enid (born in 1917) in Freebmd.
I noticed that you have an extensive history of the Jelfs family. I was adopted from evesham/badsey and my mothers name was Shirley Jelfs. She did have a daughter named Beverly who was born in 1963 (I believe). I don’t have much else to go on but any information is appreciated
Shirley’s parents were William Alfred Jelfs (1908-1989) and Annie Frances Griffin (1907-1993). William’s parents were Frederick Jelfs (1879-1941) and Phoebe Ann Brookes (c1878-1947). There are gravestones in the churchyard of St James’ Church, Badsey. William Jelfs was born in Badsey; his father, Frederick, was born in the neighbouring village of Bretforton.
Six children to walt and flo not five not very good at remembering but think my dad nidge was the youngest please feel free to Email me and i will help you all i can s.jelfs @ sky.com one died befor i was born (Whinne Cole ) Dot davies ciss Jelfs Edna Ford Iris Jefferiees
Your dad was the fourth child to be born. The children were - Iris (Born 1915), Dorothy (Born 1917), Winifred (Born 1920), Norman (Born 1922), Cicely (Born 1924) & Edna (Born 1926). Winifred, who married John Herbert Cole, died before you were born and interred in Badsey churchyard in 1949.
Your post was interesting. My grandfather was Charles Edward Chamberlain, brother of the girls mentioned in your post. I remember Winston and Sue though don't remember their son Dean. They lived in Hampton as did my grandparents (and obviously my mother until her marriage in 1954). I would be interested in any other information you may have on the Chamberlain family.
Hi, thanks for the reply, I do not have anything on Charles Edward except the marriage and 1 child, i have done a little research and found the marriage in 1954 of your mother. Win & Sue along with their children left Evesham in 1978. Thanks to a couple of people on here I have managed to pad out some of the families of the Chamberlains I am back to about 1800, but still need to get census records etc to confirm information.
I am happy to help with your research, not sure how much help I can be but please email me maltings1971@gmail.com
I am interested in the 2 names above if anyone has any information or is related please.
DAVIS - at one time Jesse Davis lived down the road from the Chamberlain family. He was a great great uncle of mine, I descended from his brother Joseph.
CHAMBERLAIN - my partner is a direct descendant from the Chamberlain family who lived at Bowers Hill, it is strange that the 2 families lived so close yet we met in Lancashire.
We drove along the road so we could see the houses they lived in as neither of us knew where Bowers Hill was. If there is anyone we could talk to or any information we could copy we would appreciate it. The next time we are down at Evesham is 28th April 2013. My contact email address is maltings1971@gmail.com
What a coincidence! Bowers Hill is a tiny place but I see on the 1911 census the Davis family were at 9 Bowers Hill and the Chamberlains at 5 Bowers Hill.
You can find a bit more about the families by going to our name index at www.badsey.net/history/d.htm and searching for Jesse Davis. I see there were two of them, father and son. The index has lots of Chamberlains too.
Terry Sparrow has written an article about Bowers Hill in the book 'Aldington and Badsey Villages in the Vale', which includes a brief mention of the Chamberlain family. For details of the book see www.badsey.net/bsp/op03.htm
Thank you Richard for your quick response, we have already searched through the name index as we have other names in the area and found it extremely helpful, we even found a couple of births in the Midwife section !
We currently have the Badsey schools book written by society members, we have asked a relative to pick up the one about the growers, but shall be visiting the Spar shop in Badsey when we are over at the end of April to see what others we can collect.
We have extensive research on both our families, but nothing is confirmed with actual documents except the odd few census records. The information we need is really between 1911 census and surviving members of the family, we have no contacts of Chamberlains at all and no contacts for my Davis side which is a shame as my dad doesn't know much about family still surviving round the area.
Any help at all is appreciated, and you can guarantee we will be sending in our membership form for the Badsey Society as soon as we can arrange.
I'm a decendent of the Stewart family from Aldington and Badsey. My late father was one of a number of grandchildren of the late William Henry and Charlotte Stewart, (both buried in St James Church in Badsey), which make them my great grandparents. They're joined by a number of other relatives plus our family has lots of other history there.
When my father was young and courting my mother, they used to visit my father's auntie and uncle, Pearcival and Evelyn Harrison (also buried in St James) who owned a bungalow called 'Glenroyd', on the Birmingham Road in Blackminster. I just about remember the bungalow and the visits in made there when I was a toddler. It still exists but it's not called Glenroyd anymore.
My parents used to walk up Merry Lane to the Fish and Anchor in the late 40's and 50's and I remember them telling me that they carved their initials on the 'Cuckoo Bridge'. I'm trying to find this bridge as I'm hoping that there might be a trace of their initials still there. Sadly I do not have any surviving family to ask now but could you or someone tell me where the Cuckoo Bridge is please?
I think it's somewhere near Aldington and I have a vague memory of it as a child but I'm really struggling to recall now as I'm 46 yrs old. I belive that it carries the railway line and there might not be any vehicular access to it but I'm not averse to a good walk once parked up.
I do hope that you'll be able to help me and thank you in advance of any information you can give.
Greatful thanks to Mike Lovatt for the photograph of the bridge and moreso to the person, if not Mike, who has kindly added a map for guidance. I'm waiting to hear from Will to enlist his assistance. Clive.
Have only just returned to this site after re-reading the Badsey and Aldington book I purchased whilst still in the early stages of tracing the family. my family had the lease of the Fish and Anchor Inn at Offenham for 300 years, although the certificates say North and Middle Littleton, I do hope you have found the place you were seeking given your message was dated 2013.
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, their initials must have long eroded away.
It's funny because I came to Aldington and Badsey only yesterday........in the rain.
I remember the Fish and Anchor (as it used to be) as a small child. When I came with my parents to visit the area we would always stop off and have lunch there before going on to visit my dad's relatives.
My dad was the grandson of William Stewart and Charlotte Stewart of Corner Cottage in Aldington. When William and Charlotte married they had a number of children, one of whom was my dad's grandmother. Another of the many siblings was my dad's Auntie Evelyn, born a Stewart and married Percy Harrison. They lived in Glenroyd, a bungalow on the Birmingham Road in Blackminster. My dad and mum were close to Auntie Evelyn and Uncle Percy, who were technically a Great Auntie and Uncle to me right up until they died. I remember them too as a small boy. My parents used to visit them both before my parents were married and afterwards too. In the days before they married and this was clearly before my time too, they used to go out to the Fish and Anchor on a Saturday night, to give Auntie Evelyn and Uncle Percy a bit of a break. They used to walk from Glenroyd along Merry Lane up to the pub and back again later in the evening. This was the only time that mum and dad could get any privacy together so the success of their courting was based on being able to go to your family's pub for drinks. I agree with you though; it is at Offenham and not at the Littletons.
I have seen you post regarding the Fish and Anchor Inn. My ancestor George Aldington had the Inn until his death in 1841 and I believe his father, Richard, before him. I have researched the Aldingtons in some depth and would be interested in swapping notes with you.
I was fascinated to read about the Post Office as I remember living there in the 1950's my father was the Mr Thacker mentioned. My mother was very I'll with TB during that time & spent a long time in a sanatorium in the Malvern Hills so during the week I lived with my grandmother in Banbury travelling back to Badsey at weekends. I think this must have been about 1951 when I was 2, my mother finally took over looking after me when I was 5. We must have left Badsey around 1956/7. While we lived at the post office I remember a Mrs Hemmings coming in to clean, also going to Mrs Morris' cottage a few doors away. There was a girl I used to play with called Caroline Olsen , I don't really remember much about school except a teacher called Miss or Mrs Goldstraw, am I right?
Hello Marj. Thanks for some fascinating memories. You will be pleased to know that Mrs Pat Goldstraw is still living in Badsey - she ran the infants school. There is an article about the history of the post offices in Badsey at www.badsey.net/past/post.htm
Just reading about Badsey Post Office, I too remember going in there as a young child. My parents lived in Badsey until they married in 1956. Mrs Hemming you mentioned was my Grandma. Talking to Dad - they still have the pyrex dish your parents gave them as a wedding present.
Interested in your Gran being a Hemming!My Mum's name was Florence Mercy Hemming....and her dad was John George Hemming.My daughter has got the heritage bug....and would be grateful for any info.I used to spend many happy holidays in Badsey with my cousin Kathleen Tandy,and her husband Fred Tandy.We called them Auntie Kath and Uncle Fred because they were quite a bit older than me.They had 2 children...Ian and Kaye Tandy,and I would be grateful for any news you may have about them.I that area too we had an Uncle Bill Rawlings,and his 2 sons Bill and Cyril.(They lived in the Evesham area ..but not Badsey.)in the same area I had an uncle Ted Rawlings...and he had some childrenMy Auntie Lizzie cooke lived in Norton.It's lovely to have found a site which just may know about our relatives all good wishes from Australia...Pam and Mal Cotton.My daughter lives in Oxford.
Collet family
I am a descendant of William Collet, who married Mary Salter in Badsey in 1790. Neither was born in Badsey and I cannot find where they came from. There was another family with a William Collett, who married Nancy Bird and they stayed in Badsey.
William and Mary had 3 children; William junior married Ann Hulbert in Abbots Morton in 1826. Their youngest son, Anthony, was my great grandfather.
Does anyone have any earlier information, please?
Re: Collet family
Can you please confirm that your great grandfather was born in 1844 and marry Eliza Steventon in 1874 in West Bromwich?
Re: Collet family
Sorry for the delay, been on holiday.
Anthony was actually born on 6th August 1845 and yes, he married Eliza Steventon in West Brom in 1874.
Re: Collet family
William Collett who married Mary Salter was born in Broadway in 1757. He was youngest born son of Richard Collett who married Elizabeth Keen in Stow on the Wold 3 Oct 1741. It is likely that the couple had children before moving to Broadway but I have no record of these. Those born at Broadway, some dying young, are Ann 1750, William 1751, Richard 1753, John 1754, Richard 1754, John 1755 and William 1757. I am attaching all the details on a separate e-mail to you.
Arthur & Sarah Jeffreys
I am trying to find out any information on an Arthur Jeffreys, buried 28Dec1775 & Sarah Jeffreys, burried 13Aug1771 and their family:-
William baptised 21Feb1761
Sarah baptised 9May1762
Arthur bapitised 11Aug1765
Elizabeth bapitised 3Jan1768
Mary bapitised 23Sep1770
I believe Arthur & Sarah Cowley married in Long Marston (Morton Siccia) in 1760
I also believe Arthur remarried afer Sarah's death to an Anne Reeves in 1771 in North & Middle Littleton, but I have no further information on her, her birth or what happened to her after Arthur's death.
I have no information on Arthur's birth, various records say "Of Badsey" but I cannot find a birth for him in Badsey.
Would anybody have any information or could steer me to somebody who might?
This is a wonderful resource. Well done to the creators. I was delighted to find a postcard from my great-grandfather F E Robinson regarding bell ringing from 1897 and addressed to your then vicar. How amazing that something so small could have been kept in the first place and now to have re-emerged on your excellent website. When time allows I am looking forward to learning more about Badsey.
Re: Archive
Thank you for your kind comments, Liz. How wonderful that you have been able to view a card written by your great-grandfather. If you look at the January 1903 Parish Magazine (in the St James' Church section of this website) you will see that your great-grandfather is mentioned again. Two new bells had just been fitted in St James' church tower. On 30th December 1902, Reverend Robinson brought over to Badsey a select group of ringers from the Oxford Diocesan Guild. They rang the first peal of 5040 Stedman's Triples on eight bells in 2 hours 52 minutes. Your great-grandfather is also mentioned on our historical website, www.badsey.net, in the section called "Bellringers".
Crisp Family
I am researching the Crisp family history. My 3 times great grandparents were Stephen and Elizabeth (nee Falkener) and my Great Great Grandfather was Alfred Crisp 1829 - 1925. He was a stone mason and built many houses in Badsey and Bretforton. He and his wife Fanny (nee Haines) had 9 girls and 1 boy and they lived at Old Post Office Lane with three of their children, Laura Matilda, Eliza Elizabeth and Sarah Jane before moving to Rose Cottage Drinkwater Lane Bretforton.
Alfred and Fanny's only son Harry was a local builder. One of the houses he built was Cassilis The Pike, Badsey, for his sister Alice Crisp (Nell) a school teacher at Bretforton School.
I have a postcard of The Wheatsheaf in Badsey, with my grandfather Jelfs outside next to a horse and cart, it is not dated but it must be around 1880/1900.
I would love to hear from any one who has connections with the Crisp family of Badsey or Jelfs of Willersey.
Re: Crisp Family
Hi Julia
I have a couple of Jelfs that married into our Chamberlain side if any use, I don't have many details at present as I haven't long found out about them, I would be interested in your Falkener connection though as we have Faulkner/Faulkener family who I am struggling to put any meat on the bones of this branch. Although these are not from the Badsey area I don't think. My email address is maltings1971@gmail.com
Re: Crisp Family
I have only very recently been involved in much correspondence regarding this Crisp family and in ascertaining who were the parents of Stephen Crisp who married Elizabeth Falkener. He was in fact the illegitimate son of Mary Crisp, daughter of William & Anne Crisp (nee Rogers) who were married at Badsey in 1762. Mary (b.1763) never married and was buried in Badsey in 1829. Her son was apprenticed to her father William who originated from the Littletons where I have traced his ancestors back to 1640 in Cleeve Prior. Were you aware that the school teacher Alice Ellen Crisp (Nell)had a son Charles who was born in 1894 in Bretforton?
Re: Crisp Family
Dear Julia
I may be able to give you some information on the Crisp family from Badsey if you want to contact me
Re: Crisp Family
My maiden name is Stanford. John Stanford Crisp Born 15 June 1927 Badsey, died June 2008, was my 3rd cousin. His father was Arthur George Crisp born 18 July 1897, Badsey, died 1971 Malvern. Arthur married Eva Helen Stanford on 3 February 1925. Eva was born 23 October 1897, Badsey and died 11 May 1992, Badsey. Arthur and Eva had four children as far as I can gather from my research Janet M Crisp born 1929, a Living Crisp no information, Mary Crisp and John Stanford Crisp. I did not know any of the Crisp family, the above info found whilst carrying out research on my Stanford Family tree. I do hope this helps a little with your research Julia. Best wishes Liz James, West Midlands.
Re: Crisp Family
Alfred Crisp was my 3rd great grandad; Laura Crisp his daughter was my great great grandma and her daughter Margaret 'Bessie' Horan was my great grandma. I have a photo of Alfred and his wife which I have put on ancestry.co.uk so you may have seen it. My grandma had lots of newspaper clippings of obituaries of the Crisps. We also have photographs of some of the female Crisps but I have no idea who they are and sadly no-one in the family who may have known is still living.
I am interested in learning more about this side of the family and would love to hear from you.
Have just been reading the topic on the chamberlain's from Bowers hill . My farther was Norman Jelfs (nidgie) he always told me that three Jelfs brothers married three Chamberlain sisters from bowers hill one went on to live in Aldington at Sherwood farm (my grandfather) and one stayed in bowers hill . My grandfather was Walter married Flo the one in Bowers hill was Bill he married Kath dont know of the other one. Dont know if its the same family ?
Re: chamberlain
I have the Walter/Flo marriage with 5 children ending in Edna Jelfs. I also have Ellen Maria married to Alfred Leonard Jelfs but no children for this marriage so far (not sure if this is correct). And the last I have is Lillian Maud married to Ernest Frederick Jelfs, again no children known and unsure if this is correct.
It is definitely the same family, I would love to have more information on any of these if you have any please.
The descendant of my partner is their brother Albert Francis Chamberlain whose daughter Elizabeth Emily Chamberlain married Francis Henry Groves, their son Winston was Dean (my partners') father.
If you would consider emailing me I could send you what I have from this line of the 3 Chamberlain girls for you to see if I have it correct.
Many thanks
I do have extensive records of the Jelfs family and can confirm that I could find no children for Ellen Maria and Alfred Leonard Jelfs but seven children for Lillian Maud and Ernest Frederick. All born at Bretforton and all baptised at St. Leonard's Church. I also have five children for the Walter/Flo marriage.
Re: Chamberlain
Thank you Peter, would it be possible to email any details of Lillian & Ernest please, I shall have a look on Freebmd now and match the children to the one marriage. As there were 2 marriages close to each other I wasn't sure which ones belonged to which marriage.
Re: Chamberlain
I will send details via your e-mail address. There is a correction to my last note. Walter and Flo had six not five children. The first child Iris Ellen (born in 1915) was not baptised. In addition you will not find another of their children Dorothy Enid (born in 1917) in Freebmd.
Re: Chamberlain
I noticed that you have an extensive history of the Jelfs family. I was adopted from evesham/badsey and my mothers name was Shirley Jelfs. She did have a daughter named Beverly who was born in 1963 (I believe). I don’t have much else to go on but any information is appreciated
Re: Chamberlain
Shirley’s parents were William Alfred Jelfs (1908-1989) and Annie Frances Griffin (1907-1993). William’s parents were Frederick Jelfs (1879-1941) and Phoebe Ann Brookes (c1878-1947). There are gravestones in the churchyard of St James’ Church, Badsey. William Jelfs was born in Badsey; his father, Frederick, was born in the neighbouring village of Bretforton.
Re: chamberlain
Six children to walt and flo not five not very good at remembering but think my dad nidge was the youngest please feel free to Email me and i will help you all i can s.jelfs @ sky.com one died befor i was born (Whinne Cole ) Dot davies ciss Jelfs Edna Ford Iris Jefferiees
Your dad was the fourth child to be born. The children were - Iris (Born 1915), Dorothy (Born 1917), Winifred (Born 1920), Norman (Born 1922), Cicely (Born 1924) & Edna (Born 1926). Winifred, who married John Herbert Cole, died before you were born and interred in Badsey churchyard in 1949.
Re: chamberlain
Your post was interesting. My grandfather was Charles Edward Chamberlain, brother of the girls mentioned in your post. I remember Winston and Sue though don't remember their son Dean. They lived in Hampton as did my grandparents (and obviously my mother until her marriage in 1954). I would be interested in any other information you may have on the Chamberlain family.
Re: Chamberlain/Hodgkins
Hi, thanks for the reply, I do not have anything on Charles Edward except the marriage and 1 child, i have done a little research and found the marriage in 1954 of your mother. Win & Sue along with their children left Evesham in 1978. Thanks to a couple of people on here I have managed to pad out some of the families of the Chamberlains I am back to about 1800, but still need to get census records etc to confirm information.
I am happy to help with your research, not sure how much help I can be but please email me maltings1971@gmail.com
Re: chamberlain
Hi Avril, my Mother was Lilian May Chamberlain, she was Albert’s Daughter and Bess’s Sister. Iam Winston’s cousin along with my Sister Jane.
I am interested in the 2 names above if anyone has any information or is related please.
DAVIS - at one time Jesse Davis lived down the road from the Chamberlain family. He was a great great uncle of mine, I descended from his brother Joseph.
CHAMBERLAIN - my partner is a direct descendant from the Chamberlain family who lived at Bowers Hill, it is strange that the 2 families lived so close yet we met in Lancashire.
We drove along the road so we could see the houses they lived in as neither of us knew where Bowers Hill was. If there is anyone we could talk to or any information we could copy we would appreciate it. The next time we are down at Evesham is 28th April 2013. My contact email address is maltings1971@gmail.com
Hello Avril
What a coincidence! Bowers Hill is a tiny place but I see on the 1911 census the Davis family were at 9 Bowers Hill and the Chamberlains at 5 Bowers Hill.
You can find a bit more about the families by going to our name index at www.badsey.net/history/d.htm and searching for Jesse Davis. I see there were two of them, father and son. The index has lots of Chamberlains too.
Terry Sparrow has written an article about Bowers Hill in the book 'Aldington and Badsey Villages in the Vale', which includes a brief mention of the Chamberlain family. For details of the book see www.badsey.net/bsp/op03.htm
Thank you Richard for your quick response, we have already searched through the name index as we have other names in the area and found it extremely helpful, we even found a couple of births in the Midwife section !
We currently have the Badsey schools book written by society members, we have asked a relative to pick up the one about the growers, but shall be visiting the Spar shop in Badsey when we are over at the end of April to see what others we can collect.
We have extensive research on both our families, but nothing is confirmed with actual documents except the odd few census records. The information we need is really between 1911 census and surviving members of the family, we have no contacts of Chamberlains at all and no contacts for my Davis side which is a shame as my dad doesn't know much about family still surviving round the area.
Any help at all is appreciated, and you can guarantee we will be sending in our membership form for the Badsey Society as soon as we can arrange.
Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Dear all
I'm a decendent of the Stewart family from Aldington and Badsey. My late father was one of a number of grandchildren of the late William Henry and Charlotte Stewart, (both buried in St James Church in Badsey), which make them my great grandparents. They're joined by a number of other relatives plus our family has lots of other history there.
When my father was young and courting my mother, they used to visit my father's auntie and uncle, Pearcival and Evelyn Harrison (also buried in St James) who owned a bungalow called 'Glenroyd', on the Birmingham Road in Blackminster. I just about remember the bungalow and the visits in made there when I was a toddler. It still exists but it's not called Glenroyd anymore.
My parents used to walk up Merry Lane to the Fish and Anchor in the late 40's and 50's and I remember them telling me that they carved their initials on the 'Cuckoo Bridge'. I'm trying to find this bridge as I'm hoping that there might be a trace of their initials still there. Sadly I do not have any surviving family to ask now but could you or someone tell me where the Cuckoo Bridge is please?
I think it's somewhere near Aldington and I have a vague memory of it as a child but I'm really struggling to recall now as I'm 46 yrs old. I belive that it carries the railway line and there might not be any vehicular access to it but I'm not averse to a good walk once parked up.
I do hope that you'll be able to help me and thank you in advance of any information you can give.
Yours faithfully
Clive Payne
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Get on thee walking boots, Clive, I feel a walk to Cuckoo High Bridge is imminent. And on the way I will regale you with tales of Percy Harrison.
If you would like to contact me, we can arrange a meeting, and a walk back into the past.
Will Dallimore
Email: will@badsey.net
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
I have just noticed that Mike Lovatt has provided a photo and short history of the bridge. See www.badsey.net/places/roads/bridg06.htm
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Greatful thanks to Mike Lovatt for the photograph of the bridge and moreso to the person, if not Mike, who has kindly added a map for guidance. I'm waiting to hear from Will to enlist his assistance. Clive.
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Thank you for your message.
I shudder to think about what stories you might have regarding Percy. I'll be in touch in due course.
Thank you again for your offer of help.
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Hello Clive
Have only just returned to this site after re-reading the Badsey and Aldington book I purchased whilst still in the early stages of tracing the family. my family had the lease of the Fish and Anchor Inn at Offenham for 300 years, although the certificates say North and Middle Littleton, I do hope you have found the place you were seeking given your message was dated 2013.
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Thank you for your message. Unfortunately, their initials must have long eroded away.
It's funny because I came to Aldington and Badsey only yesterday........in the rain.
I remember the Fish and Anchor (as it used to be) as a small child. When I came with my parents to visit the area we would always stop off and have lunch there before going on to visit my dad's relatives.
My dad was the grandson of William Stewart and Charlotte Stewart of Corner Cottage in Aldington. When William and Charlotte married they had a number of children, one of whom was my dad's grandmother. Another of the many siblings was my dad's Auntie Evelyn, born a Stewart and married Percy Harrison. They lived in Glenroyd, a bungalow on the Birmingham Road in Blackminster. My dad and mum were close to Auntie Evelyn and Uncle Percy, who were technically a Great Auntie and Uncle to me right up until they died. I remember them too as a small boy. My parents used to visit them both before my parents were married and afterwards too. In the days before they married and this was clearly before my time too, they used to go out to the Fish and Anchor on a Saturday night, to give Auntie Evelyn and Uncle Percy a bit of a break. They used to walk from Glenroyd along Merry Lane up to the pub and back again later in the evening. This was the only time that mum and dad could get any privacy together so the success of their courting was based on being able to go to your family's pub for drinks. I agree with you though; it is at Offenham and not at the Littletons.
Best wishes
Re: Farm railway bridge AKA Cuckoo High Bridge
Hi Ann,
I have seen you post regarding the Fish and Anchor Inn. My ancestor George Aldington had the Inn until his death in 1841 and I believe his father, Richard, before him. I have researched the Aldingtons in some depth and would be interested in swapping notes with you.
Best wishes
Badsey Post Office
I was fascinated to read about the Post Office as I remember living there in the 1950's my father was the Mr Thacker mentioned. My mother was very I'll with TB during that time & spent a long time in a sanatorium in the Malvern Hills so during the week I lived with my grandmother in Banbury travelling back to Badsey at weekends. I think this must have been about 1951 when I was 2, my mother finally took over looking after me when I was 5. We must have left Badsey around 1956/7. While we lived at the post office I remember a Mrs Hemmings coming in to clean, also going to Mrs Morris' cottage a few doors away. There was a girl I used to play with called Caroline Olsen , I don't really remember much about school except a teacher called Miss or Mrs Goldstraw, am I right?
Re: Badsey Post Office
Hello Marj. Thanks for some fascinating memories. You will be pleased to know that Mrs Pat Goldstraw is still living in Badsey - she ran the infants school. There is an article about the history of the post offices in Badsey at www.badsey.net/past/post.htm
Re: Badsey Post Office
Just reading about Badsey Post Office, I too remember going in there as a young child. My parents lived in Badsey until they married in 1956. Mrs Hemming you mentioned was my Grandma. Talking to Dad - they still have the pyrex dish your parents gave them as a wedding present.
Re: Badsey Post Office
Interested in your Gran being a Hemming!My Mum's name was Florence Mercy Hemming....and her dad was John George Hemming.My daughter has got the heritage bug....and would be grateful for any info.I used to spend many happy holidays in Badsey with my cousin Kathleen Tandy,and her husband Fred Tandy.We called them Auntie Kath and Uncle Fred because they were quite a bit older than me.They had 2 children...Ian and Kaye Tandy,and I would be grateful for any news you may have about them.I that area too we had an Uncle Bill Rawlings,and his 2 sons Bill and Cyril.(They lived in the Evesham area ..but not Badsey.)in the same area I had an uncle Ted Rawlings...and he had some childrenMy Auntie Lizzie cooke lived in Norton.It's lovely to have found a site which just may know about our relatives all good wishes from Australia...Pam and Mal Cotton.My daughter lives in Oxford.