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Visitors’ Book


Sue Daniels - 21st October 2018 - 11:15

Could you please tell me where the Roll of Honour is now situated it was at Badsey School and then at the British Legion. Thank you6

Maureen Spinks - 21st October 2018 - 22:24

In reply to by Sue Daniels

There is one war memorial in St James' Church, Badsey - see…. There is also a war memorial for former Badsey Council School boys who died which is still in the school hall at Badsey First School - see…. I am not aware of there having been a war memorial in the British Legion - I think the school memorial has always been held at the school.

Sue Daniels - 20th October 2018 - 19:46

Could you please tell me where the Roll of Honour for WWI is - for a time it was at Badsey School and then the British Legion Club. Thank you.

Maureen Spinks - 20th October 2018 - 21:48

In reply to by Sue Daniels

There is one war memorial in St James' Church, Badsey - see for information. There is also a war memorial for former Badsey Council School boys who died which is still in the school hall at Badsey First School - see I am not aware of there having been a war memorial in the British Legion - I think the school memorial has always been held at the school.

Nancy Marie Bowers Middleton - 18th October 2018 - 21:32

Edwin Sandes is my 12 great-grandfather. I am descended through his daughter Dame Anne Sandys.

julie plumb - 2nd September 2018 - 20:43

Hello I am researching my family tree. I know several of the Plumb side are buried in Waterside.

I am aware of mu grandparent Albert and Annie Maud Plumb and their sones Harry And baby Albert but am wondering if if there is a list of people buried at Waterside that I can access online as I as quite a way from the HUB inn worcester.

I will be grateful for any help you could give.

Many Thanks


My book on Waterside cemetery, covering all the burials, up until 2005, is in the Evesham Library. You have to ask for it as it is locked away, and for reference only. I can tell you that there are a total of 17 persons with the name Plumb buried in Waterside, 4 in Bengeworth and 2 in Hampton. There are 3 Checketts buried in Waterside and 2 in Hampton. I see that your grandparents are Albert & Annie Maude Plumb who have a monument in the cemetery as do your great grandparents Albert & Mary Ann. Some your gandfather's brothers are also in Waterside.

I have given my e-mail address should you require any help.

Peter Stewart

stephen hunt - 16th August 2018 - 15:08

My grateful thanks for all the work done on this site.....I'm directly descended from the Hobys as my grandmother was Elise Philippa Salfeld Hoby. It is remarkable how much she resembled some of the faces on the tombs both here and at Bisham and indeed I have a Hoby Nose and hands. Grandmama was very interested indeed in family doing and history and she'd have been overjoyed to see how much people are prepared to make all this available to the public. What a pity she didn't live into the age of the internet.

Christina Deakin - 12th August 2018 - 10:15

If my genealogical research is correct and I am following the right line of my ancestry, I believe I am a great-great-great granddaughter of Thomas Thorp (1780-1848) who was part of the family who owned the silk mill in Badsey. I have found your article about the Thorp family and the mill extremely interesting and it has made some of my research a lot easier. I think I am on the correct ancestral route as some of your information in the article ties in with information I had already found. I hope to visit Badsey at some time in the future

David lamb - 30th July 2018 - 11:39

with reference to pic and details of Sherwood farm the notes say this house / bungalow was built in the 1960s can I confirm this is wrong information . the house was built in 1975 as it was built by my father.

Wendy Davison - 27th June 2018 - 16:17

What an interesting website!

I am related...through my Mum, who was an Agg. I will have to visit Badsey soon....I’m sure there are relations of mine still around. Decimus Agg was related to us.


Peter Stewart - 28th June 2018 - 19:22

In reply to by Wendy Davison

There are lots of descendents of Decimus Agg still around so well worth a visit to Badsey. There are 21 Agg family members listed in the Stewart of Badsey Family History, dating back to 1770.

Helen Phillips, born TANNER - 9th June 2018 - 17:15

I note that Arthur did medical research, as did my father. I will trace the work he did through Wellcome Trust and/or BMJ and it would be interesting to find if they were similar. I have also traced other ancestors involved in Medical research - perhaps its carried in the Genes!

Helen Phillips.

Admin - 11th June 2018 - 19:33

In reply to by Helen Phillips, born TANNER

Delighted to hear that you have found our website of use - thanks for contacting us.

Helen Phillips, born TANNER - 9th June 2018 - 16:47

My father was James Mourilyan TANNER I have been working on the Tanner tree for a number of years and have seen Julian Sladden but have not followed it up. You have done some wonderful work and I am now going off again on a search for your

Gary Edwards - 9th June 2018 - 13:42

I am after information of a person named G E Knight, from your excellent website this could possibly be Gertrude Elizabeth Knight (b. 1895/6) OR George Edgar Knight (b. 1909), with particular reference to the registration of an Austin 7 motor car, made on 22nd October 1934 - registration mark WP6980 - I now own that car! I have just acquired a copy of the licensing entry from Worcestershire County Council and I was delighted to discover the original owner's name, albeit it could be one of two possibilities! I would like to know if anyone, or a family descendent of either the above could confirm who was the first owner and if they can recall the car and its early history - up to 1955 (I know the owner was then Arthur William Coole of Yew Tree Cottage, Earles Croome, Worcester. I have fully restored the car and it has been on the road since March 2015. The Austin was painted grey with black wings (as it is now). Here's hoping that someone has information, many thanks.

Admin - 11th June 2018 - 20:12

In reply to by Gary Edwards

Hello Gary

It seems likely that the owner was George Edgar Knight (born 18th May 1908).  At the time of the 1939 register, he was living at Lidcombe, Albert Road, Evesham, with his wife, Dorothy.  He was then working as Deputy Surveyor for Evesham Rural District Council.  He later moved to Moreton-in-Marsh when he became Surveyor for North Cotswold District Council.    As a professional man, it is quite likely that he would have been a car-owner.  Apparently he was a very good footballer (you can see a photo of him as a schoolboy) and played in the county team.  He was still playing football after the Second World War; Terry Sparrow recalls him returning to Badsey to play. 

Maureen Lee - 28th May 2018 - 11:09

What a fantastic website. Lovely to see Don Barnard's reflections of William Barnard, my 3rd great grandfather. He seems like he was quite a character. Keep up the good work.

Maureen Spinks - 28th May 2018 - 12:36

In reply to by Maureen Lee

Many thanks for your kind comments - we enjoy doing the research and are delighted that the efforts of all our volunteers are appreciated.

Roger Harrison - 27th May 2018 - 10:34


I am currently compiling my family history of which my great (x3) grandfather was James Myatt (1804-1879). Is it possible to view the James Myatt items in your archives?

I have a photograph of what appears to be a large gathering of the Myatt family (38 persons), which I believe was taken in Offenham, and a map of Offenham entiltled 'Appeal by Mr J Haskins.' The latter was in the possession of my late great aunt, Elizabeth Myatt, and it is a mystery as to why she had it. I can provide copies of both if they are of interest or you can assist with any further information for which I would be very grateful.

Hello Roger

Our archives are located in a storage room in Badsey Remembrance Hall. Do you live close to Badsey? If you send me an email via, we can organize a time when someone may be able to let you have access to view the items concerning the Myatt family.

A belated response to your letter but have you looked through my book on Offenham Church & Churchyard where I show pictures of Myatts headstones, including that of James Myatt (1804-1879). I also did a bit of research on James Myatt, shown on Page 3 in the book which is available for viewing on this web site.

Belinda Templeton - 24th May 2018 - 13:03

So pleased to have this article. My Great Grandfather was Sidney William Carter 1873-1925. This will help with the family history project I am working on. Will welcome an other info as well.

Sue Pope - 10th April 2018 - 20:41

Hi, I am undertaking an early music MA and I have seen that the church warden accounts for 1529-1710 have been transcribed in Midland Antiquary 1882. Does anyone know if there is a pdf version available?

Very best,


Hello Sue

You have probably seen the Churchwardens’ Accounts which we have on our website, but I am not aware of the Midland Antiquary transcription which you refer to - sorry not to be of more help.  Perhaps the Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service may be able to assist.

Clare Olver - 23rd March 2018 - 21:19

I've got no connection to these villages, so came across the site looking for inspiration - and it's delivered it in spades! There has been such a huge amount of time invested in the research, and the presentation of the website has made it very accessible. Congratulations to all concerned.

Maureen Spinks - 23rd March 2018 - 22:01

In reply to by Clare Olver

Thank you! We love doing the research, but it’s always good to know that there’s someone out there appreciating what we do.

Chris Kang - 23rd March 2018 - 19:42

Vivian Charles Buckley (Author of "The Good Years", "With A Passport And Two Eyes") described the Vale of Evesham and its surrounding countryside as 'English country living at its best'.
We plan to visit your beautiful Cotswolds this late May especially around Wickhamford Manor, Weathervane Cottage and surrounding countryside. Thank you.

I have just come across your message of 23rd March regarding Vivian Charles Buckley and your intention to visit Wickhamford.
If you have not already done so you may be interested in looking at the article and photos of the Sandys Arms, Wickhamford. V.C. Buckley stayed there whilst writing 'Tickets, please'.
If you scroll down the article and after the photo of Bertram Ockwell there are a couple of items relating to Mr Buckley.
Sadly The Sandys Arms is no longer a pub. The area around Wickhamford Manor has been altered slightly by the current owner but Weathervane Cottage looks much the same as when V.C Buckley was staying in the village.
I do hope you enjoy your visit to Wickhamford and the Vale of Evesham.
Valerie Harman

My sincere apology. I happen to see your response three days ago after we arrived back from our trip to Europe. I also have in my possession VC Buckley’s “With A Passport and Two Eyes” and “Draw Back The Curtains” which drew on a description of historical view of life long past. Unfortunately, I have not been able to locate a copy of “Tickets Please” to-date.

Prior to our departure for the UK in May, we received a gracious invitation from Shirley and Alan Tutton for coffee aboard their cabin cruiser in Evesham and a cruise to view the local area from the River Avon. They are such a delightful generous couple who proceeded to share historical tidbits of the surrounding area and then later escorted us to see Wickhamford Manor, the church adjoining the manor where Penelope Washington is buried, Weathervane Cottage and the Fleece Inn where we enjoyed a sumptuous late lunch. I even sat in the chair in the same spot in the Fleece Inn where the photograph taken by Vivian Charles Buckley in the 1930’s and pictured on Page 51 of his 1967 book (“The Good Life – Between the two World Wars with a Candid Camera”).

We would not have had the wonderful opportunity to see and learn more about the local history of the Vale of Evesham without Shirley’s and Alan’s generous assistance, friendship and time given so freely of which we are indeed very grateful for.

Chris Kang

Lesley Wood - 25th February 2018 - 23:15

Good afternoon -- Wow, how this site has developed in the 8 or so years since I last looked at it!
I am delighted to know that Sladden family letters are being transcribed and made digitally available.
I am particularly interested in the correspondence between John Mourilyan and his daughter Eugenie (Sladden). John's second wife, Mary Anna, is my third great aunt and I have spent quite a lot of time researching them both.
I am wondering if there are plans to digitize any of those many letters...I live in Canada and though I looked at a couple of them when in Worcester a few years ago, it is doubtful if I will get back there again.
Lesley Wood

We are delighted to hear that you are appreciative of the hard work put in by our team of transcribers - it has very much been a labour of love over the last few years. For the time being, our efforts have been concentrated solely on the First World War period. We are still finishing off our WW1 project but, who knows, perhaps in a few years' time we might have the time and energy to look at other periods covered by the letters.

It is a lot of fun reading the transcribed letters. AND I really appreciate that you have posted the reference numbers and dates for the letters. This has already helped me pinpoint letters from John to Eugenie corresponding to dates of deaths in the family, so it will be easy for me to order these particular letters from the Beehive.

Jeremy Watts - 16th February 2018 - 16:00

Charles Inwood was my grandfather on my mother's side and I am interested to come across your website and his bio. Some of it was new to me but I can add more info (and correct something) if you would be interested.

Linda Taylor - 10th February 2018 - 8:01

I was absolutely thrilled to come across this site whilst looking for the family of Robert Hamilton Irvine MD. (His son Cyril Hunter Hamilton Irvine was my paternal great great grandfather). I have gleaned a lot of interesting information from this site. Thank you so much. Linda

Robert Hamilton Irvine MD was my 2nd gt grandfather his son Cyril Hunter Hamilton Irvine KC. my gt grandfather, making Amy and Esther my gt. aunts. I would like to find out more about their lives. I didn't know that Amy had a daughter and am interested in that. Also would appreciate it if anyone has any photos of her with husband Thomas Burton Mourilyan. I have one of Amy but not of Esther.