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Saturday 27 November 1915 - Women and war work

Category World War I: Labour issues/Military Tribunals
The Evesham Journal
Transcription of article


As a result of so many men joining the army, there is a very appreciable increase, throughout the country, in the wages of women in clerical and commercial operations; but it would seem that in Evesham at all events there is not likely to be much demand for women to take the place of men in such work. The Higher Education Committee met last Friday to consider the question of training women for such post; they had communicated with upwards of forty business firms in the town on the matter; but it did not appear that there was any need for such courses of training as would fit women to take the places of men gone on service. The committee have therefore decided, for the present at all events, to take no action in the matter. It was pointed out that the committee are already providing for the instruction of a considerable number of pupils, girls as well as boys, in such useful subjects as shorthand and book-keeping.