Patriotic Meeting
A very well attended meeting, organised by the Parish Council, was held in the Council schools on Wednesday. Mr J. Sladden, in opening the meeting, said they were very fortunate in getting Miss Hawley, of the National Patriotic Organisation, a non-political organisation, to come and speak to them. They must stick to the war if it lasted six months, twelve months, or two years. Prussia must be crushed for ever. He spoke of the loyalty of the Canadians, Indians, New Zealanders, and Australians, who are fighting for their Empire.
Miss Hawley, who congratulated Badsey on the number of men the village had sent, delivered a telling speech which was listened to with deep interest.
Mr J. Sladden proposed a hearty vote of thanks to the Lecturer for coming and giving such an eloquent address as she had done. Mr Mustoe seconded, and it was carried with acclamation. The proceedings terminated with “God save the King”.
The leading voluntary organisation that most influenced public opinion early in the war was the Central Committee for National Patriotic Organisation. Theoretically it was quite independent of the government, but senior positions were held by important political figures such as Asquith and Balfour.