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Saturday 1 June 1940 – Wedding of Phyllis Edna Knight at Badsey

Category Hatches, Matches and Dispatches » Marriages
Evesham Standard & West Midland Observer
Transcription of article


The marriage took place at St James’ Church on Wednesday of Miss Phyllis Edna Knight, second daughter of Mrs and the late Mr T Knight of 4 Cotswold View, Badsey, and Mr Wilfred George Jelfs, second son of Mr & Mrs C W Jelfs, 3 Victoria Terrace, Bretforton.  Canon W C Allsebrook, Vicar, officiated.  The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr J E Knight, wore a pale blue French cloqué two-piece ensemble edged with pink and navy headdress and shoes, and carried a shower bouquet of carnations and maidenhair fern.  The bridesmaids, Miss Very Beechey and Miss Margaret Malins, wore dresses of silver crepe and headdresses of pink pyrethrums and blue iris.  Mr Arthur Andrews was best man.  The bride’s mother wore brown silk and the bridegroom’s mother blue silk.  At the fully choral service Mr C Sharp, at the organ, played the hymns “Lead us Heavenly Father, lead us” and “Gracious Spirit Holy Ghost”.  On leaving the church the bride was presented with a silver horseshoe by Yvonne Jelfs, niece of the bridegroom.  A reception at Mr J B Hughes’ Café, Evesham, was attended by 30 guests.  The bride, who is well-known in the district, was educated at Prince Henry’s Grammar School, and for several years has been employed at Messrs Whitfords, Evesham.  Among the presents was a work table from the staff of Messrs Whitfords.  Mr & Mrs Jelfs’ future home will be at Clayfield Road, Bretforton.