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Saturday 31 May 1947 – Wedding of Iris May Roberts at Badsey

Category Hatches, Matches and Dispatches » Marriages
Evesham Standard & West Midland Observer
Transcription of article


St James’ Church, Badsey, was filled to capacity for the wedding of Miss Iris May Roberts, eldest daughter of Mrs and the late Mr T Roberts of Silk Mills, Badsey, to Mr Egbert Charles Colley, sixth son of Mrs and the late Mr G Colley of Westmancote Hill, Bredon, near Tewkesbury, which took place on Whit Monday.

The bride, who is popular in Badsey, was a member of the Women’s Land Army for five years and was educated at Badsey Council School.  The bridegroom is well known in the Bredon district, being a popular member of the Home Guard during the last war.  He was educated at Kemerton Church of England School and is at present employed on general farm work.

The service was conducted by the vicar of Badsey, the Rev J G Jeffreys, and Mr H King officiated at the organ.  The hymns “Lead us, Heavenly Father, lead us” and “The voice that breathed o’er Eden”, were sung and Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was played.

The bride, who was given away by her uncle, Mr G Barnett of Cropthorne, looked charming in a gown of white satin with veil held in place by a coronet of orange blossom and carried a bouquet of cream roses and lily of the valley with trailing ferns.

The bride was attended by four bridesmaids.  Miss Joyce Roberts (sister to the bride) and Miss Joyce Colley (niece of the bridegroom) who were attired in oyster pink dresses with matching veils and feathered headdresses; Miss Barbara Pike and Miss Dorothy Jelfs (friends of bride and bridegroom) who wore pale blue taffeta silk dresses with pink trimmings and matching veils held in place with feathered headdresses.  They all carried bouquets of sweet peas with trailing ferns.

Mr “Tim” Colley of Tewkesbury (brother of the bridegroom) was best man.  As the happy couple left the church they were presented with wooden spoons by Miss Anne Williams and silver horseshoes by Master Steve and Garry Taylor, Terry Barnett, Francis Evans, Mervyn Colley and Miss Betty Richmond.

Over 100 guests attended the reception which was held at the Royal Oak Assembly Room, Badsey, and Mr & Mrs Colley were the recipients of numerous presents.  The bridegroom’s present to the bride consisted of a gold wrist watch and the bride’s present to bridegroom a gent’s dressing case.  The bridegroom’s presents to the bridesmaids were gold lockets and chains.  A wedding peal was rung after the ceremony by the Badsey Bell Ringers.

The bride’s veil was kindly lent to her by the Hon Mrs Peter Healing of Kemerton and the wedding cake was decorated and iced by her late employer, Mrs Garnett Cox, also of Kemerton.  The happy couple will make their future home at Cherry Tree Cottage, West Bredon.