Field House
2 pm Wednesday
My Dearest Wife,
I have had a beautiful ride to this place 16 miles, which I must describe in my diary, I will send another instalment to-morrow, at present I have not unpacked and we have as yet no ink.
My present intention is to send my luggage on by rail from here, to meet me further South and then to cycle back (if fine) from here to Windermere on Friday and take the 12.50 from there which should land me at Badsey about 9.15 P.M.
The weather has been fine so far but is a little cloudy now, I hope to-morrow will be dry as I want to do a long round by Buttermere &c, it being my last day.
You must really come up to this lovely country, darling, some day if all goes well, I should like to take you and some of the children, you would have to go on the coach and some of the walks where it was not too steep but if you were once here and had plenty of rest at night you would be able to do ever so much in the day.
I shall be glad to see you all again soon and to hold my dear wife in my arms once more.
Ever your loving Husband
Julius Sladden