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July 23rd 1913 - Letter from Julius Sladden to his wife, Eugénie Sladden

23rd July 1913
Correspondence From
Julius Sladden, SS Loerdal
Correspondence To
Eugénie Sladden, c/o Mrs Hayward, Muritai, 17 Millfield, Folkestone
Relationship to Letter Addressee
Text of Letter

July 23/13

My dearest Wife, 

We are now on our way from Sandene to ? having left the first named place three hours ago and we should reach ? in another hour’s time where we hope to find the bulk of our luggage sent on when we started across the mountain glacier, the diary will give you an account of our big climb, I think we are all rather proud of the feat and it really was a strenuous day for even a “young man!” 

We are all quite well and getting bronzed, Jack is as brown as a berry and seems in excellent spirits.

Last night we slept at Red in a nice unpretentious little inn and have to-day walked from there to Sandene a splendid walk of ten miles.  At Red we got our first news from home your post card of July 13th we are hoping to find a batch of letters at Visnaes presently, postal arrangements are very slow in this country the mails often having to go by roundabout routes.

This is flower show day I do hope it is fine, we have had splendid weather.  I have a good bit of diary to write up when I can find time, at present I have run out of the proper paper till we get our luggage.  We expect to leave Bergen on Monday next and I ought to reach home with Kathleen on Wednesday evening.

Hope you are having a pleasant day and that you are keeping well.

Much love from all

Your affectionate Husband

Julius Sladden

Letter Images
Type of Correspondence
Envelope containing 2 sheets of notepaper
Location of Document
Worcestershire Archive and Archaeology Service
Record Office Reference