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Kent - Deal: Trouville, Middle Deal Road

Deal is a coastal town in Kent, 8 miles north-east of Dover and 8 miles south of Ramsgate.  The coast of France is approximately 25 miles from the town and is visible on clear days.

Trouville on Middle Deal Road, Deal was the home of Edith Sladden (sister-in-law of Julius Sladden and widow of Francis Nixon Sladden, known as Frank) and her daughter, Norah.  Edith Sladden moved to Deal following the death of Frank in 1909.  They had previously lived in Sandwich, but presumably she wanted to be closer to her sister, Lizzie Sladden, who was living at Petone, Church Path, Upper Deal.  Edith remained at Trouville until moving to Evesham in 1917.

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