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JONES, Joseph (Will)

Personal information

Place of Residence
Probate Type
Occupation or Status
Date Made
13 Oct 1851
Herbert New, Solicitor, Evesham; John Smith, his Clerk
Buried in parish

Probate details

Date Proved
27 Aug 1853
Place proved
Details of Will

I Joseph Jones of Badsey, farmer, give:

  • All my household goods, furniture and effects moneys and securities for money and all and singular other my personal estate and effects unto my wife Eleanor Jones for her absolute use and benefit
  • To my son, Joseph Jones, and Charles Drury of Badsey, farmer, and their heirs and assigns All and singular my messuages tenements lands and hereditaments situate in Badsey and elsewhere and all my estate right and equity of redemption and all and singular other my real and chattel real estate to hold the said messuages or tenements lands hereditaments with the mortgage debts and incumbrances affecting the same at the time of my decease to the use of Joseph Jones and Charles Drury and their heirs during the life of my said wife and in case of her death during the minority of any or either of my children until the youngest of my said children shall attain the age of 21 years upon trust at their or his discretion to manage and repair and also to let the same hereditaments and premises either altogether or in lots and either by the year or for any shorter period and to preserve the rents and profits thereof and after paying thereout the interest from time to time to become due and payable upon the existing mortgage or mortgages of and upon my real estates and also all the costs and expenses of repairing and insuring buildings from fire and otherwise to pay the residue of the said rents and profits to my wife Eleanor Jones for and during the term of her natural life and after her decease to pay and apply the residue of the rents and profits equally between and among my three younger children, Elizabeth, Ann and Theophilus or in the direction of my said trustees to apply the share or shares of such child or children as shall be under the age of 21 years for or towards his her or their support maintenance and education until the youngest has attained the age of 21
  • And from and immediately after the last mentioned trusts in favour of my wife and three younger children shall be satisfied and discharged then in case my said son Joseph shall within 3 calendar months next after the last mentioned period pay to the said Charles Drury such a sum of money as shall appear by the valuation of two indifferent persons or referees one to be appointed by my son and the other by Charles Drury or other my trustees (or in case of disagreement by the valuation of such third person as the said referees shall nominate for that purpose) the fair value of my said messuages or tenements lands and hereditaments at Badsey, I give the said messuages or tenements lands and hereditaments with their appurtenances subject nevertheless to the several mortgages affecting the same unto the use of my son Joseph Jones his heirs and assigns and I declare that Charles Drury or the trustees of my will shall stand possessed of and interested in the sum of money to be paid by my son Joseph upon the valuation But in case my son Joseph shall neglect to appoint a valuer then I revoke and make void the devise hereinbefore lastly contained and I give the said messuages or tenement lands hereditaments and premises and all my real and chattel real estate subject to the mortgages to the use of my said son Joseph and the said Charles Drury but nevertheless upon the trusts and for the  purposes hereinafter declared, that is to say …………..:

Executors:  Son Joseph Jones, Charles Drury, wife Eleanor Jones

Notes and sources

Source of Information
Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service (link)
Where to view copy of original document
On microfilm at Worcestershire Archive & Archaeology Service, The Hive, Worcester (link)