Personal information
Place of Residence
Probate Type
Occupation or Status
Date Made
10 Dec 1762
Charles Savage, Charles Welch, Robert Mason
Buried in parish
Probate details
Date Proved
24 Jan 1763
Place proved
Details of Will
I, Joseph Jones of Badsey, yeoman, give:
- To my loving sister Mary Bushel, wife of John Bushel of Pitchhill? In the county of Warwick, yeoman, All my messuages, lands tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances in Badsey aforesaid or elsewhere and I also give all my stock, crop, goods, chattels and personal estate whatsoever, but I hereby charge and make chargeable all my real and personal estate with the payment of an annuity of £4 to my father William Jones during his natural life clear of all deductions over and above the yearly sum of £6 left him by the will of my late Uncle John Jones deceased and which said annuity of £4 I give to my father accordingly and direct the same to be paid to him by four equal payments every year
- And I likewise charge my real and personal estates with the payment of the sum of £10 to Joseph Knight
- £5 to Ann Knight Junior
- £5 to Mary Knight
- £5 to my brother-in-law John Jones
- It is my will and desire that my sister deliver to my cousin John Dorrel my watch which I give and bequeath to him notwithstanding the general deve? Of my personal estate to my sister hereinbefore confirmed
Executors: Sister Mary Bushel and uncle Piercy Jones